chapter 2

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-* Donovan *-
First period is uhmm I scanned through my schedule to find room 4100 chemistry Mr.Hatty and I'm around the 2000 and the bell rang five minutes ago and I accidentally spelled my burning hot coffee on some girl and she freak out  like I didn't mean to do why so angry so today is a fail just like all the days in my life terrible.
                    { 10 minutes later }
I finally found the room and when I walked in the whole class got silent and stared me down all the way till I sat down.
Sir why are you 15 minutes late to my class Mr.Hatty asked while staring at me so did the class.
Um I was lost I said in a very low voice.
Well let's continue what we were doing class so what your name kid Mr.Hatty asked.
Donovan Richardson I replied back.
Okay Donovan what we were doing before you interrupted us was we working together with your shoulder partner with everything you remembered last year so since your shoulder partner is Nevaeh yall two will be working together he said.
I turned to look and it was the same girl I spilled coffee all over.
Oh shit!
She took out a sheet of notebook paper and and a cute gold expensive pen and gave me a disgusted look and started to chew her gum slowly.
What you got she said she said not talking her eyes of the paper.
Huh I replied. really dude.
Any ideas she said finally looking at me damn her eyebrow are perfectly done without a hair out of place her eyelashes looks real but loaded with chunky expensive mascara. Her hair perfectly in a perfect ponytail. Her lips are small and so is her nose. No piercing just a belly piercing. Her skin is an olive color with no foundation just natural and her skin is so clear. Her eyes are big and very dark brown like a black.
Hey so do you remember anything or no she says which stops me from checking her out.
Yeah um I don't remember anything I say clueless.
Great because I dont either she replied throwing her pen on the table.
The rest of the period was quite and awkward and so was the other periods now its time for lunch and i dont have no money nor no lunch so I gotta stay hungry just every year for lunch.
School just ended and it was shit now I need to go home to watch my baby sister and feed her the little food we have which the only thing we actually have at are house is beans, rice,corn and coffee that the only thing we eat because that all we can afford. Before you ask why we buy coffee if we barely have nothing because we work hard at night and I cant sleep because I'm so hungry so coffee keeps us all up. I got home and hugged Hailey, my 5 year old sister.
Hey Dono you like you scool I like mine  errbody nice she said with a smile her face.
Yeah mine was great hails I say lying.
I walked over to the pantry and opened a can of corn and poured half into a pot and put it on.
After 15 minutes or so I took it off and put out two bowls and gave her more than half because she more little and poured me a little and we ate took a 5 minute shower and she took a bath with warm hot water while I got cold water shower and went to bed.

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