The One Best Endings I Ever Heard[Anime]

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A little fact about me I'm not known for watching endings of animes I just want to watch the next episode so I skipped over a couple times I watched the ending Fairy Tail endings 1,2,4,6 and Fairy tail ending 8 [would put videos but some reason all the endings have been copyrighted but no the openings!!!? So confused by that] and the black clover ending

Servamps ending

Madoka Magica ending [i love this more than opening, the opening is good to but the ending is literally the show in a nutshell and a badass ending to boot]

And lastly black exorcist Kyoto Saga

But this ending is flicken ending I love it so much basically I was singing along to the don't sing or dance anime edition ones while waiting for my family to come back and heard it the ending from Rezero I was going to skip the song as I only listening to ones I knew at the moment but the beginning made me stop and listen to it I said out to myself that I loved it rewinded it and watched it again and danced it to my favorite ending right now definitely top Favorites gives me another reasons to watching Re:Zero the other Being Rem Best Girl/Waifu [Sabuaru is on my shit list for rejecting her]

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