Chapter 39: A Little Performance

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"So, about you hurting me? How about I kill you instead?" I threaten the creep. I can feel a small smile creep onto my face.

"N-no, no, p-please don't k-kill me." The creep cries out.

"Why should I listen to you?" I can feel the smile on my face grow larger.

I open my eyes and sit up quickly. I look around and I see that I'm inside my bedroom, in my bed. I dreamed about that incident one year ago again. I've been remembering that incident a couple of times again recently and my therapist thinks that something must be bothering me and triggering it, but I can't find out what. Also I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen. No, I'm just overthinking things again. It's more likely that something is putting me on edge somehow and making me remember that incident. Could it be about the performance Alisa and I have to put on? No way, it seems to be too extreme of a reaction for that to be it. I need to find out what it is and sort it out. I'm still bothered by how I can feel joy in causing harm to someone, granted that someone wronged my best friend. But I believe that I'm still a good person even if I have a part of me that's not exactly good. Dammit. I should think about this another time and just go back to sleep. Alisa and I still need to practice later today.


After school

Alisa and I are finishing up our to do list at CiRCLE for today so that we can practice for our little performance. Marina will let us use one of the unused studios to practice as long as we finish our tasks for the day. We already have a song picked out and just need to practice it. I'll be singing while Alisa accompanies me with her guitar.

"All done. Let's report to Marina." I tell Alisa.

"Yeah." Alisa says and we head to the front desk.

"Marina, we're finished with our tasks." I report to Marina.

"Good job you two. You can go practice using studio 6." Marina tells us with a smile.

"Thanks Marina." Alisa and I thank Marina at the same time.

Alisa grabs her guitar from the locker room then we head to the studio.

"Alright. I'm ready. You?" Alisa says as she finishes tuning her guitar.

"Yeah, I'm ready as I'll ever be." I say then we begin to practice.

Alisa and I practice the song until it was time for us to go home.


1 week later

Alisa and I continue our routine of finishing our work at CiRCLE as fast as we can so that we can practice the song for 1 week. Now we're ready and are going to perform today. All of the bands plus Marina are going to watch us. We'll be using the stage in the live area as per Hina's suggestion since it'll make it seem like a live.

"How long have you had this guitar Alisa?" Kasumi asks Alisa.

"For about 6 years now. I got it when I was 10 years old." Alisa tells Kasumi.

"Are you ready for your performance (Y/N)?" Aya asks me.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Honestly, I just want to get this over with." I tell Aya.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine, you have a good singing voice." Aya reassures me.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Aya." I say with a small smile.

"I'll be looking forward to hear you sing and Alisa play the guitar." Marina says.

"Don't get your hopes too up." I tell Marina.

Pastel Roses - BanG Dream (Roselia & Pastel*Palettes) x Male! Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now