Chapter 3

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Holy dud, yesterday my country was hit by an earthquake, and it was near my place, well not too near but it was enough to make us run around like a headless chicken. It was so scary, but it's good that no tsunami. The hypocentre was 10 km deep in the sea and have the potential for a tsunami. But god bless us all, there's no tsunami. And I forgot to update chapter 3 because of it... 😁

Here we go.......


"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Changi airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened." an announcement by a flight attendant was heard. No one saying anything. It was really quiet. But you can feel tense in the air.

I take a deep breath while close my eyes. I need to prepare for the worst and focus to keep thinking clearly. And suddenly I can feel the woman who sits beside me hold my hand tightly. I open my eyes and look straight at her eyes. I can see fear, the stress on her skin makes her look so old, her hair was a mess... I feel pity for her, even though I'm not really looking any different from her.

"Hey, Siapa namamu?" (Hey, what's your name?) she asked me quietly. I straightened my back and smile at her.

"Namaku Ria.." (My name is Ria) I answered, I hope my smile can make her more relaxed, you know a smile can be contagious. I hold her wrinkle hand tightly. Her hand feels cold and wet, but I can feel the tenderness from her hand.

Now I miss my family.

"Bisakah kau terus bersamaku? Aku takut. Setidaknya kita pergi bersama sampai kita mendapatkan penjelasan dari pihak berwenang." (Can you stay with me? I'm afraid. At least we go together until we get an explanation from the authorities.) She beg me and bowed her head to me. It's really awkward.

"...Tentu bu.." (Sure, ma'am). I just agreed with her, at least two people better than alone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Changi Airport. Local time is 16:40 and the temperature is ...... Oh my god... " The captain suddenly stop saying the announcement for landing. Everybody was raised their head simultaneously. I look at the window and see what's happening. Once the black fog was clear...

Do you know What I see?

I see Hell...


A blade flashed in the sun, slicing a path through the monster. Instantaneously, slicing flesh and the thick fluids splashed through the air, and disembodies monster head slammed against the wall, the force cracking the wall so hard and make the people screamed.

"Who are they?" A woman whispering between the crowd. Looking at the figure in a black combat uniform. There are 3 people in a black uniform and fortunately, they're really nice to look at. You can just look at every woman, they are blushing.

One man smirked while walking through debris towards the civilian. "Well, some people called us police, honey... Some called us FBI, army whatever... But I prefer to be called, the Black Ops." Said the blonde man.

"Shut up, Jax. Boss here, go reported it!" the redhead comes into the house.

"Yeah yeah... Geez..." he waved his hand lazily. He comes out from the room that everyone's gathering, the house is broken, some walls already ruined by the impact of the monster. Two people checked everything in the two-story house while still on their guard, gun arms were on their hand. Ready to fire.

Jax was outside approaching a man in black, unlike the other, he used a black long coat, in his hand was a blade that seemed as though it could pierce straight through the earth and reverberate with enough force to fragment the heavens.

"Hey look, he's so hot..." the three woman survivor whispering to each other while looking at that man. For the first time in their life, they found themselves unable to tear their eyes away from a man.

"Boss, you're still popular huh...wherever you go they just screaming at you... I have the right to be jealous..." He bobbed his head like analysis something seriously.

That man just looks at him coldly, his icy blue eyes penetrated his soul. He gulped. Of course, there's no man in this world brave enough want to offend him. "Report." He folded his arms when he's done putting away his sword on its scabbard.

"Seven survivors was founded, four-man and three women, and no one is wounded, sir!" Jax gives him a salute. The superior being in front of him gives him nodded. He lowered his head and look at the monster corpses which is started to become the dust.

"The dead were turned to dust. Even human." The man stopped saying, he sighs. "Let's search for the shelter first, the main headquarters cannot be contacted yet. The other was unknown." He looks around him. The chaos. Once the living city becomes dead. "Let's pray it's not the end of the world."

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