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Draco's PoV

I kept rereading the messages he sent me, how he was close to figuring out who I am. Well, that cant really happen, can it?

Maybe it would be better to try to get to know whoever it is I'm texting better. That is why we were given these numbers and such.


Draco: I have decided that we should get to know each other better

Unknown: so now you're calling the shots? Since when?

Draco: Since I was born, obviously.

Unknown: wow, conceited much

Draco: Those words deeply wounded me. Ouch.

Unknown: oh, Haha very funny.

Unknown: anyways, how about a game of 20 questions to get to know each other better?

Draco: What the hell is 20 questions? Some sort of muggle game??

Unknown: oh yea, forgot you were a pure blood. Its literally how it sounds, we just ask each other 20 questions.

Draco: alright, I guess. But one rule, not asking what each others name is, as I dont want to be known and I'm guessing you wont either

Unknown: deal, even though I really want to know who you are.

unspoken love // drarryWhere stories live. Discover now