The Mall

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Amethyst POV:

I wake up feeling like shit. After everyone left to their respected rooms I fixed up my shoulder. The bullet from yesterday didn't get lodged into my skin but it ripped open a gash at the top of my shoulder. I grabbed my medical kit from the top of my closet and went to my bathroom to clean up my shoulder.

Using hydrogen peroxide I cleaned out the would. Then since the stupid wound was on my shoulder I had to stitch it up or else it would tear open more when I move. Im used to stitches without an anesthetic so I just gave myself about 5 stitches. After, I cleaned up the blood from stitching up the laceration, with water and a sterile gauze. Then using some neosporin and a gauze I wrapped up my wound.

I lay in bed debating on if I want to get out of bed today. I cant work out and Jay is down for the count so that means no breakfast. Mom and dad are probably not coming home until late Sunday night. I decided to just go back to sleep.

"AmEtHySt WaKe uP."

What the hell was that?

I open my eyes to see Luna at the end of my bed bouncing up and down. She has that look on her face. Like she wants to do something. oh fuck. she wants something from me...

"Good morning my beautiful and wonderful bestie. Did you sleep well?" she says in a overly peppy voice. She defiantly wants something from me. "What the fuck do you want hoe?" I say in a groggy annoyed voice.

"Damn bitch who the hell stuck their dick up your ass. Pull that shit out ain't no body got time for yo attitude. done killed my whole vibe." she says will a pout. "I just wanted to know if you wanna go to the mall today. I wanna see Korean fashion. PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE BBBAAABBBYYYYYEEEEEEE!" ugh fuck. "Ight go make me food and i'll take you. but were taking the car cuz them trains be packed as fuck and I need my bubble to not be popped today."

"FUCK YEAH!!" Luna yells while running out of the room. I slowly get up from bed and walk to the bathroom. I cant shower yet because of my stitches so i'll just brush my hair and teeth, then put on some lotion. I don't really wear makeup that much unless its a special occasion or event.

Walking to my closet, I pick out a plaid gray skirt and a snug fitting white v neck shirt with criss cross string on the v neck. I paired my outfit with a clip accessory chain on the skirt and a pair of black slip on vans. I grabbed my black mini backpack and slipped in my essentials: Compact hair brush, Clear lip gloss, portable charger, lip balm, an extra clip for my gun, and my wallet. I went to my night stand and grabbed my thigh holster for my gun, putting it on and placing my gun in it while it's on safety. I put on my backpack and head downstairs.

I have the equivalent of 1000 US dollars in my wallet and more on my card if I need it. When I step into the kitchen I see Luna setting out the eating utensils on the table. There is milk and cereal in the middle with orange juice in a pitcher. Jesus is sitting in a chair on his phone and i'm assuming Chase and Jay are still in the room together. "Sit." Luna says.

"Don't tell me what to do hoe." I tell her with a mock glare. "Jesus are you coming with us to the mall?" I say while pouring me some cereal. "Nah i'm gonna stay with Chase and Jay in case anyone comes back today." he tells me while typing away on his phone. "Luna you have your gun on you right?" I ask.

Luna is wearing a pair of high waisted denim ripped jeans and a maroon cropped t-shirt. she has on gold hooped earrings and her hair is in a bun with two braids falling down the front to form her face. The two braids are wrapped in gold string forming a criss cross pattern. Luna is wearing a pair of white nike air force shoes with a gold ankle bracelet. the bottoms of her pants are folded once and she has a black belt around her waist. She is wearing her wallet clip chain on her pants and her phone is in her back pocket. No where do I see a place for her to hide her gun.

"Do I have to wear it?" she whines. "Yes. We don't know what will happen, we have to always be prepared." She huffs in response and heads upstairs. Luna became friends with me when I was a freshman in high school. After about a year I told her about my family and its businesses. My father is third in command of an underground mafia based here in Korea. I have been trained all my life since I was born to be prepared for anything. I learned different languages, train everyday, helped on missions, and practiced with guns, knives, swords, and hand to hand combat.

Luna joined after her parents died in a car crash. Jesus joined since he was in foster care and his family was abusive. When he told Luna and I about them being abusive we drove to his foster home and threatened them with guns to give up their guardian rights to my family. In California my family had a big house and we took in Jesus and Luna. They both got their GED's at 16 with a age waiver and stayed with us to train. They joined the family business at 17 and went on missions with me.

Luna walked down the stairs with a shoulder purse. I assume she put here gun in the purse. It was a clip open one for easy access and has a long strap so that it was close to her hand. "Happy now?" she said in an annoyed voice. "Very." is all I say as I finish up my cereal. "Have you eaten already Luna?" I ask while placing my dishes in the sink and rinsing them out. "Yeah I ate before I you came down" she states. "Ight lets go then." I pull out my phone and text chase that we're going to the mall and will be back later. Grabbing my keys from their hanging spot next to the front door, Luna and I head to the garage to get my car.

My new car given to me by the company is a Matt Black BMW i8 with gold rims. The interior is black leather with gold trim seats. the windows are tinted and the car is completely bullet resistant. The tires on my car are self sealant if punctured also. It's the perfect car honestly.

Luna stares at my car for a full minute taking in all of my babies beauty

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Luna stares at my car for a full minute taking in all of my babies beauty. "I named her Midnight. Completely bullet resistant, self sealing tires, tinted windows, a front and back security camera hooked up to my phone, and interior is leather with seat warmers and coolers. She's perfect. Anyone dares to fuck with my child I will personally cut each of their fingers off and stick them up their ass one by one." I say in a fierce, chilling voice. "Aight bitch get ya panties out of that bunch slidin up yo ass crack. Aint no body gonna hurt ya child." she says laughing.

I smile at her and click the car doors open. We both get into the car and head out the garage, towards the mall.

"Fuck traffic." Luna says. She hasn't stopped complaining about the traffic since we got on the road. It isn't even that bad at this hour either. We'll probably get to the mall in another 10 minutes. I dont want to tell her that though. Hehehe.

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