Hawaiian Sun Set

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It's been a fun few days here in Hawaii running around and doing stuff that we can't do back in the mainland. We've done a hot air balloon ride and tried some new foods. She's showed me around where her dad grew up and we even got to drink out of a coconut. But it was finally time to rewind and enjoy the beach. So we take a picnic basket with our dinner in it out to the sand. We find a place away from everyone to put our blanket out and set up the umbrella. I set everything out before shedding my shirt and tossing it on top of my bag. I start to put on my sun screen wanting to get tan but still not wanting to get burnt. I end up squirting a bunch out once I catch a glance of Aaliyah in her swimsuit.

I know I shouldn't stare

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I know I shouldn't stare. I know that I need to respect my boundaries and not do anything hasty, but holy shit she wasn't making it easy. And I think she knew she wasn't either.

My mouth hangs open as I drop the sun screen to my side. She works on putting all of her hair behind her so it was out of the way. Once she does she turns to me and I try to act normal but I couldn't feel my legs.

"Please close your mouth" she begs and I do as I'm told. I swallow hard as my eyes try to find a good place to stop searching so they land on her bright brown eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just... You're very... I didn't mean" I stutter as she giggles at my incompetence.

"Thanks" she says trying to save me from making a bigger fool of myself. "Can you help me with the sun screen? I would hate to get tan lines line this" she insists and I nod. I didn't dare try to talk again for a few moments. I'm not so sure my next words wouldn't be "marry me."

I slowly pick up the sun screen and I help her out. I rub the sun screen into her back and watch as it disappears into her soft skin. She felt so good under hands, like her skin matched up with mine perfectly. I feel how warm she was under this summer sun. I watch my fingers spread out against her skin as I try not to let my hands wander. She feels even better than I dreamed she did and that wasn't a good revelation for me.

"Did you get it all" she finally asks and I drop my hands.

"Got it" I say quickly as I turn around. I try to calm my racing heart but it just wasn't cooperating today.

"Are you okay" she asks a little bit worried. I take a deep breath before collecting myself and turning back around.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets get int he water" I insist.

We set our things down and make our way into the water. It was cool but just cool enough to counter the hot sun rays. I watch Aaliyah closes her eyes and just smile as she starts to float. The water was pretty much the clearest water I've ever seen in a ocean so not a lot was left to the imagination with her.

"Oh man, I've missed this" she admits.

"I've never been here before. I have to admit, I don't know if I want to leave" I say.

"I don't know how my dad did it" she admits.

"Why did he leave" I wonder.

"Opportunities. He saw a opportunity back in the main land that would help him become who he wanted to be. Even though he didn't know what that was at the time" she says.

"Is everyone in your family super smart and courageous" I ask as she laughs at me. She opens her eyes and looks over at me.

"Pretty much" she admits as she takes her hair down. Her long curls flow down to the water making me smile. She hated her hair but I thought it was beautiful. I thought that the fact that she was always natural was important for someone like her. So all the girls and boys who follow her know that there's nothing better to be than yourself.

"Can I ask you something" I question as I float closer.

"Of course" she assures me. I softly grab her arm right below her elbow and pull her closer to me. She stops once we were chest to chest and she was looking up at my eyes.

"When are you ever going to see your worth" I ask ask she starts to tense.

"As soon as I get what I'm worth" she claims.

"You're already worth it. You've always been worth it" I insist and she smiles.

"To you I have" she says. "And luckily for me, that's enough."

We get out of the ocean and decide to cool off and eat a little. So we sit under the umbrella and eat our foods. We make sure to drink lots of water and she helps this pasty boy say away from the sun burn.

As the sun starts to set we decide to watch it from the water before heading back to the house before it's dark. It's like a 2 minute walk but neither of us like to be out after dark too much. So we make sure to make it back in time.

But for now we were in the water where we both felt like we should be. I wrap my arms around Aaliyah's chest as she holds my arms around her, like she didn't want me to let her go. Her backside fits perfectly with the front of me as the water stops at her belly button. Time seems to stop as the sun sets behind the water. This is probably the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen... that isn't Aaliyah.

"It's gorgeous isn't it" she asks.

"It is. Almost as gorgeous as you" I say causing her to giggle.

"Could you be more predictable" she teases.

"Yeah. I could kiss you" I say and she stops. She turns around in my arms but I don't let her go. Instead I pull her closer so her body was pressed against mine.

I move my hand up to her cheek as I hold her face. I study her perfect features as she studies me too. Her eyes darting around not sure what to think or say. But we didn't have to say anything because we felt it.

So I inch her face closer to mine as her arms sneak around my back. I can feel her fingers dig into my skin like a massage. As her hands moved up my hand on her waist moves down bringing her even closer, until her hips meet mine. I rest my forehead on hers as I continue to stare into her eyes.

They were finally bright again in this Hawaiian sun set. It made my heart full to see her this happy again and to be a part of it.

"So are you going to kiss me or not" she asks softly with a little smirk on her lips. I wasn't going to do it until I knew it was okay. And now I know.

So I quickly press my lips to hers as she meets my passion. I feel her back arch in my hand as she lifts one of her legs. So I grab it as she cups my face making sure I don't go anywhere. But I've been waiting almost 8 months for this... trust me... I'm not going anywhere.

It felt like forever we were stuck in that moment. Like the sun was never going to set on this beautiful evening. But all good things come to a end and we break apart both gasping for air. She softly caresses my cheeks as they burned in her hand. She gave me a feeling like a drug would, a feeling that I didn't know was possible. But I never wanted to feel anything else ever again.

"Leah, there's something I need to tell you" I say softly as her face sat centimeters away from mine. I could feel her breath on my lips as she kept her hold on me.

"Please" she begs.

"I... I love you" I whisper.

At first she was stoic and I was starting to freak out. Did I say it too soon after the kiss? Doesn't she not love me too? But as soon as she smiles up at me I knew that this was the moment I've been waiting for, and it's about to get a lot better.

"I love you too Patrick" she replies. I smile bigger than I had in my entire life as I pick her up. She wraps her legs around me as I hold her up. She presses her lips to mine again and I knew in that exact moment.

We were in love and we were never going to fall out of it.

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