Promises, Promises

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Once Patrick returns from his long ass trip we decide that we needed a date night. We hadn't had one for a while since he had been gone and we've both been so busy around Chicago. So we both clear the night and turn our phones on do not disturb. We decided to not be around anyone and have a date under the stars. We find a nice place in the park away from everything to lay out at. It wasn't freezing cold but it was still a little nippy. I didn't even tell Ryan about this so I hope this doesn't go south or I'm going to be in even more trouble than I was originally if someone finds out. But I think we would be fine since it's dark and no one was out where we were.

So we lay down a large blanket and lay on top of it. I cover us up with another blanket as Patrick pulls me into his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder as my fingers get tangled in his shirt.

"This city is so beautiful" he says randomly.

"It's my favorite place to be" I admit. "As long as I have you here with me."

"Can I ask you something" he wonders and I turn to him. His beautiful blue eyes shining on this dark night like the stars in the sky.

"Of course Baby" I assure him.

"Are you ever going to get tired of me or find someone better than me" he asks. I let out a long sigh because I know this was bothering him. But I also knew that no matter what I told him part of him will always have some type of doubt in his mind.

"I need you to listen to my voice. Close your eyes and don't listen to this city or the fans or who my dad is. Just listen to be" I instruct. He does as he is told and I know for a fact he was listening. "I'm going to make you a promise. And I don't take my promises lightly, I will take these words to the grave with me. I will live and die with them. So listen to me and know what I say is true. Feel what I'm saying.

First of all I want you to know that you're my most favorite person in the world and I will never ever get tired of you. I could spend my whole life with you and I'll still want to know your favorite song at the moment and your favorite place to eat. To know who you are and what you can do is something that's infinite. It never gets old. I love your personality and your sense of humor and that fire in your heart you have for the things you love. That fire never dies out because you're constantly giving it fuel, and it keeps me warm. I would be a idiot to give up on that.

Second of all I will never find anyone better than you. I know for a fact if for whatever reason we end up having to be apart I'll never love anyone in the way I love you. I promise that you are the only one for me and you have my heart and my soul. I am yours and you are mine and I won't have it any other way. Sure things haven't been easy but I'm not giving up on us, not now or ever.

Third of all I want to promise you that I will make time for us. I know it's been crazy and you are having a hard time with us being apart. With so much of our lives being so uncertain I think we need time to have to ourselves, a lot like tonight. Because laying here with you under this sky and in this city I know that I'm going to love you forever and that will never change. Even when we were best friends I loved you, I couldn't even deny myself that. I promise that I will give you my all all of the time that I have. I promise to always make time for you and make sure you know that you're loved" I say.

He slowly opens his eyes as he looks up at me. They were glassy and I knew that he finally felt what I had been trying to tell him. He knew that I was here and I wasn't going anywhere. Not until I knew that him are I are being everything we were meant to be. And I think we finally were getting there.

He leans over and presses his lips to mine. I cup his cheek and make sure he felt just how serious about this I was.

"I want to make a promise too" he claims. "I promise that I will never go to bed with a heavy heart. I will never go to sleep needing to tell you something and not tell you. I get it now, I get how things build up and how keeping things in only helps it get too heavy until it over flows. I don't want that, I want everything beautiful this life has to offer and I want it with you. But I want it the right way, not filled with petty arguments and drunk yelling. I just want you to know that you and I and are the best thing I've ever known" he insists. I smile big as I stare down at him. He watches me closely to see my reaction so I didnt even have to tell him what I felt. But I do it anyway because it doesn't hurt to say.

"I love you Patrick, in every way possible for every reason possible. And not for a second has my love ever wavered, never have I questioned the man you are or your love for me. We built this amazing relationship and it's stronger than the winds of change that it brings. Though we may have our ups and downs our ups are far more than the downs. The good times are way more prolific than the bad and I won't forget that when times get rough. Because when I look at you I don't think about those dark nights, I think about nights like this where it's just you and me and the stars. Where everything seems to fall into place perfectly just for us. Moments like this where I know that you and I... were gonna last" I promise.

"Pinky swear" he says holding up his pinky. I laugh before I latch my pinky around his too.

"Pinky promise" I reply.

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