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[Saturday July 9th, 1988]


It was just an ordinary Saturday night at the strip club. I had already hit the main stage and collected my pay. I was currently having a drink at the bar, talking to the bartender and owner James Martin. I met him after I graduated high school and started working here at the most popular strip club called Diamonds. He's helped me find a cheap apartment to live in after my mother kicked me out. He was one of the few people I trusted around here besides my one and only best friend Denise. She's been by my side since high school and has helped me through anything.

"How's Raven doing?" James asks as he passes me another glass of liquor. "She's growing up so fast." I said, taking a sip of the hard liquor.

"How old is she again?" James asks as he began to clean glasses.

"She's only one years old. She'll be two in a few months." Just as I said that, Denise appeared next to me. She took a seat on the barstool then gave my cheek a kiss. "The usual?" James asks with a raised brow. Denise nods then slumps in her seat.

"What's up with you?" I ask as I finish my drink. "It's been a long night." Was all she said as James slid her a glass of tequila.

"You've said it. I'm ready to head home to Raven." James walks away to tend to another customer, leaving Denise and I alone. "You ever want to leave this place?" Denise says.

"I do sometimes but this job keeps the bills paid." I shrugged. I knew Denise wanted to quit for a long time but this is the only way she could keep up her half of the rent. If she'd get a regular job, they wouldn't pay as much in two weeks. I don't want her to stay here if it's taking away from her happiness. I get it, Diamonds isn't the happiest place to be especially on the weekend but it's tolerable, at least for me it is.

"I'm thinking about leaving soon. Maybe I'll find a regular job that doesn't require me to satisfy men all the time." She says, swallowing every drop of tequila and slamming the glass down and yelling for James to pour her another glass.

"We'll talk about this later, I have a private dance I need to get to." I walked away from the bar and headed towards the back of the club. There were at least five rooms that filled the hallway. I entered room number four and seen my customer was already there waiting.

"You're even more beautiful up close." The man spoke as I walked in front of him. I kept my mouth shut as I disappeared behind him and wrapped my around around his neck. I slid my hands down his chest then left a few kisses on his neck. He grabbed ahold of my hand then guides me in front of him. I sit down on his lap, both my feet on each side of him.

"Why don't we take this to my hotel room." He whispers in my ear as he grabs ahold of the back of my head.

"I am a stripper not a streetwalker. I dance." I respond as I stood to my feet. I turn around, my back facing him, then removed my robe. I peaked at him to see a smirk appearing on his face. I felt his hands run up and down my body, letting me know that he moved from his spot on the one seater  couch. His hand slipped inside my bra and I smacked his hand away. "You cannot touch."

"What's the point of you being a stripper then?" He asks, spinning me around to look at him. I could see the rage in his eyes as I continued to stop him from touching me.

"I don't have sex with anyone." I said as I pushed him away.

"You will with me." He said as he pulled me back into his chest. He unhooked my bra then pushed me on the longer couch that resides in the room. I screamed and kicked around, trying to fight him off. To my misfortune, he was stronger than I was. I became utterly frightened as he grabbed ahold of my panties. I've never had a customer try to force himself onto me during a private dance before. Suddenly, the man froze in place then fell over to the ground. Denise stood there with a broken lamp in her hands.

"This is why we need to leave this place." Was all she said before throwing the weapon in her hands to the side. I grabbed my bra then put it back on. I also put on my robe then followed Denise out the room. The two of us said told James about the man and said our farewells then left the place. It was nearing three in the morning when we soon made it home. Denise didn't speak to me the whole walk home. I was a bit confused by her behavior but she must of been shaken up from earlier. At least I am.

I dismissed the babysitter then went inside Raven's room to check on her. She was sound asleep like always when I come home from work. I made sure the baby monitor was on then walked out of the room. I checked on Denise to see if she was okay but she was already in bed, her back facing me. I couldn't help wonder what she could be so upset about. I was the one who was almost sexually assaulted.

I finally made it into my room and got ready for bed, tonight's events playing over in my head.

The next morning came and I got up to check on Raven. She was still sound asleep and I couldn't be more happier at that. I was still pretty exhausted from working all night long. I walked out of Raven's room and heard the tv in the living room, letting me know that Denise was awake.

"Good morning." I spoke as I walked by and into the kitchen.

"Morning, how are you feeling after last night?" Denise asked, concern in her voice.

"I'm alright, still a little shaken up from it though." I told her honestly. I shouldn't be so shocked that a man tried to come on to me like that, considering my job, but I just can't fantom it. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that ya know." She said.

"It's not your fault so don't try to apologize for it." I said.

"I think you shouldn't try going in tonight."

"I have to Denise. It's the only way I could keep up with the bill." I told her. She then appeared in the kitchen as I made myself a glass of orange juice. "And besides, James wouldn't like me missing work like this."

"To hell with what James have to say! He doesn't truly care about your wellbeing. He only cares about the amount of money you're making for him!" She rolled her eyes. I took a sip of my drink, looking away. I felt like she was wrong since James has helped me in many ways but I decided to keep my mouth closed on that matter.

"I just don't wanna struggle anymore Kirsten. This shit not fun like it used to be." She said.

"Being a stripper not all that's cracked up to be." I chuckled. "Until we can find something better, this'll have to do." She nods and then two of us sat in a comfortable silence while I looked around for something to eat. I decided that I wanted to make a breakfast sandwich. I asked Denise if she was interested in one but she turned me down as she walked out of the kitchen. I shrugged and let her go.

I know how badly she wants to leave this stripper life behind her but it's the only job we have that'll pay us enough for this three bedroom apartment. If it wasn't for James, we'd be homeless. After my mother died, she gave the house and her inheritance to her boyfriend at the time and it crushed me. She left her children nothing. I couldn't understand what I did for her to hate me so much.

I leaned against the counter after taking out the ingredients I needed and sighed. I crossed my arms and stared up at the ceiling, trying to stop myself from crying.

She hated me and I'd never understand why

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