Back to school

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     The rest of the week went without a hitch, with Peter going out to catch fish everyday and selling them at the market in town. After another two days, Peter had made $50 more than necessary for the plane ticket, and used the extra money to buy nick-nacks and suvineers.

     By the end of the week, they had all gone and done all different kinds of activities. Peter even brought Izuku, Ochako, and Eri to where he had woke up on the island, and showed them all how to catch and prepare fish, with Izuku catching on fairly easily and helping Eri catch her first fish.

     Peter was glad to fill the role of the cool uncle, and wanted to be the kind of uncle that Ben had been to him, to Eri, but if his parents had still been around.

      Peter got himself a plane ticket and wound up sitting next to the Midoriya family. The little family sat with Eri in the middle, Ochako at the window, and Izuku next to Peter, who had the aisle seat. They talked a bit, Izuku held Eri's hand durring takeoff, and Peter passed out durring the flight. Things went fairly smooth to his understanding, as when they got back, Izuku woke him with Ochako doing the same for Eri. To Peter, this meant that they had a calm enough flight for him to both wake up peacefully and Eri to have fallen asleep too.

     They made their way to the dorms together, and Peter diverted his path to go talk with aunt May and MJ. When he got to their room, he gave his apologies for vanishing all of a sudden. To his surprise, they were confused as to why he was apologizing. When he asked why they were confused, their answer surprised him.

      "You told us you were going to Hawaii."

      "Do you not remember Peter? I would think you might remember choosing to go to Hawaii."

      "I don't remember any of it. And even if I did decide to go, that still doesn't explain how i ended up on the beach atleast two miles away from everyone, with no supplies or anything. All i had when I woke up was my clothes, wallet, and webshooters." The fact that going to Hawaii was a conscious decision, and that he didn't remember making it scared him.

      "Well, whatever the case may be, you still have to get to bed soon, as you have that super hero school in the morning. I can only imagine how draining that class must be, so go get your rest Peter. You need it." Aunt May was right, he may have slept on the plane, but he was exhausted.

      After bidding his goodbyes, Peter headed back to the 1-A dorm room, where he found a sleeping Izuku on the couch with Eri, who had taken her father's example, and passed out on top of the green haired teen. Peter noticed Ochako, who was looking at the sleeping duo in content. While Peter knew the brunette, and was definitely friends with her, they didn't talk very much, which he took his opportunity to change.

     "You look happy, Mrs. Midoriya." She chuckled at his comment before responding.

     "How could I not be happy? I have a loving husband and adorable daughter, and I'm barely even sixteen." She smiled at the thought before looking at Peter. "My parents may not be the most happy, my dad especially, and most people our age may find a situation like this overwhelming, but honestly, I'm glad that Eri sees me as her mother, and that I legally am her mother. It helps that the person she views as her father, and legally is her father, is the person I've had a crush on since i got to UA."

     "I bet. And trust me when i say that if I was in your guys' shoes, i wouldn't know how to react. while i do like the idea of having kids one day, I'm just not sure how I would manage it now. The closest I've had to parents growing up is my aunt and uncle, and while they did a great job in my opinion, the whole parenting thing just confuses me. You and Izuku are already heroes if you ask me."

     "What makes you say that?"

     "Real heroes aren't, or rather, shouldn't be defined by whether or not they have super powers and how strong said powers are, but by the content of their heart, and the willingness to help others in need. Even though you two weren't prepared to become parents, you took on the role with pride and gave Eri a family that she could be proud of and that would show her the love she deserves. That right there is what makes someone a real hero in my book."

     His words made her smile even brighter. The two of them talked a bit more before it was time to get to sleep. Peter helped Ochako peacefully pick Eri up, and then lightly shook Izuku awake so the green haired boy could go to bed with his wife.

     After waking up Izuku, he helped the tired teen/father to his and his wife's room, where they exchanged goodnight wishes and such, before Peter went into his own room.

     He thought about a lot of different things, such as what aunt May and MJ had told him, his thankfulness to his friends for helping him out back in Hawaii, and many other things. As he drifted off to sleep, one thought centralized in the font of his mind. I wonder if I'll ever have kids of my own...
Thanks for reading guys! I know this chapter is cutting it really close, I just didn't have much time to work on it today! That's also why the chapter is so short compared to other chapters recently! Thanks again for reading! Special thanks to chuyito10 for voting for the last chapter! See you guys next time!

Word count: 1034

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