The Three Destiny's (Chapter one)

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It happened April 23rd, the day we get out for Spring Break. I was gathering my books for the last class every one hated; Spanish. I don't know why we have to take it but we have no choice. Every one likes the teacher but me, I don't know why but he hates me or he just hates dyslexic kids, or he just has it out for me.

Oh, I'm sorry. Pardon me, I am Francine Faith, a fifteen year old girl who was abandon by her parents. My best friend is Jack, I can't remember if we were friends for long, but he tells me we were friends since third grade. I guess you can call us friends if we barely know each other, can we be friends?

Thirty minutes before class got out, Mr. Ramon takes us to the gym. Jack thought we were going to play a game, thinking Mr. Ramon was being nice, but Mr. Ramon thought different.

As soon as we got to the gym, I got a really disturbing feeling like someone i knew was there. "Jack," I said nervously, "do you think we should go in,will it be safe?"

"It will be fine, nothing will happen." Jack said nervously.

"Great," i said. I raised my hand to ask a question but Mr. Ramon would not call on me, so I spoke out. "Mr. Ramon," I started. "what are we doing in the gym?"

Then he said in the rudest way possible, "If you speak out of turn, i'll give you detention! "

If you thought that was harsh you should have seen his face. He was scary like Hades him self... maybe thats who Mr. Ramon is? HA HA HA! If so then my class mates should be scared of him too, and now that i think of it every one should fear him. Jack looked at me he could tell I was nervous or sad. Jack asked if i was okay, I was grateful that he cared, so I put on a smile and told him I was okay.

Ten minutes passed by and Mr. Ramon was still talking like a lunatic. I was trying not to zone out but it was so hard, Mr. Ramon kept saying something about two of us being really powerful and were in danger or something like that. Then thats when the feeling got really bad, my head started spinning, my throat started to get dry then... BOOM!

That's when a large explosion was heard from down the hall. All of a sudden, all the windows in the gym shattered, making every one scream. Pieces of glass flew at me, but Jack got in the way, but I still got cut on my leg- and it was a deep cut too. Jack grabed my hand and pulled me into the hallway, and thats when we saw........

That's when we saw this scary dark mass coming our way! Jack and I went toward the exit sign so we could get out of the gym, but little did we know the dark mass was outside. When we were out, an even bigger mass was out there, waiting for us. Jack stood in front of me, sheilding me again, but now I was ticked. The mass came closer, and closed in around us. I didn't know what was happening, but iI tapped my braclet and it came off my wrist and turned into a double edged sword.

When I saw what came out of my bracelet, I was shocked. Even Jack was shocked and we both looked at each other with confused looks on our faces that said, 'Did that just happen?' When we both were done looking like dorks, I took the sword an swung it as hard as I could and dark mass disappeared, and it disintegrated in the wind.

Some of the dust flew into my face, and I started to cough. When I finished, some kid came up to me and Jack.

"Jack Andrew, Francine Faith?" He asked.

"Yes" Jack answered.

"Please come with me, we need to get you to safety."

Jack and I looked at each other again, confused, but going with a stranger didn't sound half bad, better then being there when Mr. Ramon gets back. He would just blame Jack and I for the mess, but mostly me.

As soon as we got outside, there was a car parked with two men standing by it. I asked who he was, he said, "No comment." and continued to walk. I was mad, so I ran up to him, grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. When I did that, he said, "Child, you don't have much time, either You get in the car or die!"

"Jack looks scared," I thought. I thought he would have peed his pants. I'm glad he didn't though. We got in the car as the kid wanted us to do, so we got in with no questions asked.

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