Chapter two

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It's been two hours since we started driving and we just got to Red lands. It's so strange here but it just seems like a normal town. jack he loved this little town, he loved the peace and quiet. it was funny seeing how he acted. when we got off the freeway we pulled up to this school called PAC (peace charter academy) there where not a lot of kids here. I was told the max they git was one fifty. The school was small but not to big either, when we got out of the car, I again asked the creepy kid what his name was he said "I am Alex from target cooperation". Jack looked at him and nodded his head not even paying attention to Alex. Jack , I said look someone is walking this way, it's a strange girl."hi", the girl said "are they new here Alex"? yes Alex said treat them with respect they are special I can feel it. she took us to the main office to speak with the main person in charge. I looked around, it seemed normal till a door in the wall opened up.

Jack asked if we should go in, I nodded my head and went first. as I went down it didn't feel creepy at all it had a warm feeling like I was meant to be there. When we got to the bottom of the stairs their was this kid, he looked about my age. he had light reddish hair like he was a ginger. he wore a hat over it, the hat was like a base ball cap. he stood about six feet tall, he dressed like a skater.

I walked up to him and asked what his name was. he looked up and smiled like he knew me, but I didn't even recognized him. the guy came over and whispers in my ears Kieden Burns my eyes went wide and jaw dropped when I heard what he said. I stood their frozen unable to move. When i was able to move i asked how he knew me and he said he didn't know me and he said he didn't know me he just did, after the awkward conversation he took jack and me to the head master. we went through a lot of tunnels and doors, surprisingly the school wasn't small as it Leeds people to believe. as we approached the last door in the hallway a strange sensation came over me and my hip started to burn like crazy....It stung so bad it brought me to my knees.

when i lifted my shirt and moved my pants a little to see this strange mark was there?!?!? it just magically appeared out of no where on my hip i looked at jack to clarify it was real or just my mind playing tricks on me. sadly it was real the mark was hard to see but it got clearer to see the Minuit it fully appeared on me. it was hard to make it out though. the symbol looked like a foreign language like japanese. i couldn't read it but every one else could they all took a step back but jack. it wasnt the first time people did that. i always made peolpe run away it's not like i wanted them too, they just always feared me, but jack saw past what everyone else saw. They would call me a freak and other rude names but I ignored them.

After that I saw the mark on my hip I asked them if the knew what it meant, they said no. I was sad but not for long, we walked to the door at the end of the hallway, but the door did not open that's strange Kieden said this door always opens unless something happens to the headmaster. Kiedens face looked really worried. Go! Get the Sargent officer who was in charge of garding this door. Now! Kieden yeld.

"This is bad, really bad we need to get you to out of here and to safety" Kieden said.

"No we want to help!" We protested but it didn't work.

"You two are important ok! The headmaster would kill me if you guys got hurt!"

Now I will have you escorted to your dorms.

We didn't argue because it wouldn't have work. So we went to the dormitory.

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