You'd be proud

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A silent yet influencing wind began to blow  across The End. The shallow space surrounding one self is quite enough to make one question their own position in this world. But for the ones who live in this world of a void, it's home. The current king adored this environment with all his heart; Icy the third royal ender out of a line of 6 sibling. Icy turned in a full circle looking around and taking in the peace and quiet, for it has been a while since he's experienced it. He began to sit down circling his fingers below him to create a personal chair of pure snow. Pulling down his scarf he smiled, "It's been quite the while brother and you too sister" he said as he began to get comfortable in his seat. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner or more often. I tend to get busy here and there with the rehabilitation of The End and its citizens..." slowly losing confidence in his last words he looked away. Icy took a small breathe and continued, "It's tough it really is. I'm not sure how you did it hermano, I'm trying my absolute best to help not simply in laws and politics but to be there with the people." His eyes and shoulders began to droop, "this whole aftermath of the war really left us in quite the cliffhanger. Survive or die. Right?" He chuckled "But I do believe we're doing progress through it all." Icy swept aside his hair and pulled his hood down in excitement. "Oh! Oh! You two wouldn't believe how amazing everyone else is just improving by so much! Michael has been studying so hard looking on past Kings and such. He's taking his responsibility quite well for a person such as him. For how reckless he gets he sure is putting all his effort in being next in line. He looks up to you a lot, you and dad..." he began to frown but quickly changed to a bouncy attitude with a smile "And the twins! Oh the twins are just as lovely as ever. They're both quite the fighters and are taking their studies on the combat very serious. Turning out as the best of the best. When it's their turn I have no doubt they'll protect this land with all their heart." Icy then heard the unique ender teleport behind. A hand softly placed on his shoulder. "Your majesty?" Asked the feminine voice. Icy looked behind him and saw Juliet a lovely servant that has become quite close to the Ender family as a friend. "Yes Juliet? What happens to be the problem." He asked concerned. "Well it is almost dinner time and your siblings have finished all their studies and events for the days so they are currently waiting for you at the royal dining room. I've come to request you return to eat with them. They are quite excited to talk to you about their day" Juliet said with a bright smile "Of course, one minute please" He responded turning back to face the front "Yes your liege, and if you may. Say hello to the queen for me." She finished before teleporting away. A cold wind began to fill the air. Icy stood up and took a step forward before kneeling down on one knee in front of two gravestones. "I miss you both a lot. More than I should at the moment I can't lie about that. We all miss you. Juliet misses you Endie and she says Hi. Noah misses you Robby I'm sure he would want to say hi as well." Icy put a hand forward and began to create a bouquet of snow flowers in his hand. "Rest well both of you. Rest easy knowing the future of this land is in safe hands. I promise you both were doing our best. I love you both with all my heart." He slowly set the bouquet in the middle of the two gravestones, one reading
Here lies Robby AKA Blitz
A loving king and brother.
One of the greatest kings this kingdom has had.
May his flame forever light our path.
The other gravestone on the right read
Here lies Brittany AKA Endie
A loving queen and sister.
A rightful leader and queen.
May her hope lead us forever to victory.
Icy stood up straight, pulled up his scarf to cover his mouth and smiled. A tear slowly falling streaming down his left eye. Icy turned and wiped the tear away.
"You'd both be proud" he said before turning to ice and fading away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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