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☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Peter leaves his room and closes it and when he turns around he sees Liz and the group

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Peter leaves his room and closes it and when he turns around he sees Liz and the group."Hey, Liz"Peter says and Natalia notices he's going out. "Perfect timing,We're gonna go swimming"Liz tells Peter.Natalia then feels her emergency phone ring.She looks at the contact and see it's her sister Natasha."Hey Liz I will catch you guys later I have to take this" Natalia says and leaves and answers the phone."Hey Tasha what's up?" Natalia says."Hey I just wanted to call you and see how you were doing?" Natasha says and Natalia smiles."Yeah I'm fine and I miss you so much and the others,how are you and the others?"Natalia says."I'm good and the others are doing good we miss you alot...we have a idea why don't you sneak out of the hotel and meet us at a certain spot so we could see each other"Natasha says."Yeah Just send me the direction over text"Natalia says."How's Tony taking care of you?Are you still training like I told you to" Natasha asks."Yeah he's taking good care of me,and yeah I am and Tony is making me train twice as hard just in case,also you remember the new York attack,when Thor's very hot brother Loki wanted to take over New York?" Natalia asks."He's not hot but yeah go on"Natasha says."Well some guys took the chitauri technology and are using it to make deadly technology so Peter and I were chasing the guy and yeah Tony came in and helped us out of the water and he told us to lay low"Natalia says."Don't get in to much danger Natalia ok,I'm not there and I want you safe God knows what I would do if I lost you again"Natasha says making Natalia smile."I'm going to be ok Tasha don't worry and you know Always together till the time comes"Natalia says."Till the time comes"Natasha says."You know I really miss you"Natalia says."I miss you too but I can't let anyone know where I am"Natasha says."You could have taken me with you"Natalia says. "I don't want you to be in danger Talia or be in hiding you need to live your life as a normal girl,talking about normal still in cheerleading?"Natasha says making Natalia smile."Yep and Its going good to and homecoming is near"Natalia says."Hmm who are you going with,that boy better treat you right or I will kick his ass"Natasha says."Language"Natalia could hear Steve say."Say Hello to the others" Natalia says."I will and I already send you the location ok I love you and be safe"Natasha says."I love you too and see you later and be careful to"Natalia says and ends the call.Natalia didn't know that Peter was watching her. Natalia goes to her room and changes her swimsuit to some clothes and checks both ends on the hallway and leaves.Natalia puts her ear piece." Iris give me directions to this place and send in a motorcycle"Natalia says and when Natalia goes outside she sees a motorcycle.Natalia gets on it and drives off.
Natalia gets off of her motorcycle when she reaches her destination. Natalia looks at her surroundings and sees a empty field with some trees. Natalia senses someone behind her so she takes out her gun that she hid and turns around to point it at the person. "Wow,put the gun down"Sam says making Natalia put it down and hugs him."I miss you"Natalia says and then she sees Bucky,Steve,and her sister making her smile.Natalia goes and hugs Bucky and Steve and her smile gets big when she sees her sister. "Wow you went all blonde huh" Natalia says teasingly and hugs her sister."So let's catch up shall we"Natasha says.

Meanwhile Peter followed Natalia to make sure she was safe.He just and this feeling to follow her.When he knew she was safe he put on his mask.Good evening, Peter"Peter heard a female voice say in his suit making him look around."Hello Hello?"Peter says."Congratulations on completing the Training Wheels Protocol....and gaining access to your suit's full capabilities"The Al says. "Thank you"Peter says."Where would you like to take me tonight?"The Al asks."I put a tracker on someone. He's a bad guy"Peter says."Tracker located. Plotting course to intercept target"The Al says."As long as I make it back in time for decathlon, it's fine"Peter says while swinging himself and landing on a truck.Peter stays on the truck so it could take him faster."One hundred meters from destination and closing" The Al says making Peter get ready. "Jump now"The Al says making Peter jump down the truck and quietly runs towards the location."Detecting three individuals"The Al says and Peter sees a gas station."Why is their secret lair in a gas station?That's so lame"Peter says and climbs the sign so he could get a better look."Hey, suit lady, what are they doing?"Peter asks."Do you want to hear what they're saying?" The Al asks."I can hear what they're saying?Yeah"Peter says."Activating Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode"The Al says."I got the gauntlet from the Lagos cleanup The rest is my design"Mason says while the three men sit in the van."Whoa, that's so cool"Peter says."Can't believe they're still cleaning up that Triskelion mess"Mason says."I love it. They keep making messes..we keep getting rich"Shocker says."Target inbound"Mason says."They're in the middle of a heist,I could catch them red-handed This is awesome.Okay, I'll get closer to see what's happening"Peter says."Would you like me to engage Enhanced Combat Mode?"The Al asks. "Enhanced Combat Mode?Yeah"Peter says getting ready."Activating instant Kill"The Al says and Peter shakes his head."No, no, no,I don't want to kill anybody"Peter says."Deactivating Instant Kill"The Al says.Peter then shoots his webs and jumps down the sign only to fall on his face and he groans."Did you hear that?"One of the men say."What the hell just happened?What was that?"Peter says while getting up."You jumped off the sign and landed on your face"The Al says.Peter shoots up but the webs completely dissolve and Peter hides behind something ."What's wrong with my web-shooters?"Peter asks."Rapid-fire is the default for Enhanced Combat Mode"The Al says."Why would I need rapid-fire?"Peter asks."Would you like to see more options?You have 576 possible web-shooter combinations"The Al says."Mr. Stark really overdid it"Peter says."You two wait right here"Shocker says."Wait. You're gonna want to turn on the dampers.That thing will shatter your arm"Mason says."All right, where's the dampers?"Shocker asks."That one"Peter says while picking a web shooter."Great choice. Would you like me to set this as your new default?"The Al asks and Peter shoots a web but it makes the lights of the gas station flicker."No, no, no" Peter says while going in hiding."Push that in,Nothe other"Mason says while the three men were distracted on putting the dampers on Shocker. "Here?This one here?"Shocker asks. "What was that?"Peter asks."Taser webs"The Al says."Taser webs?I don't want Taser webs"Peter says and climbs up the gas station building."You seem to be unfamiliar with your web-shooter settings,Would you like to run a refresher course?" The Al asks."No. Just-You choose"Peter says."Sure thing"The Al says."I got a visual"Shocker says."Green light, green light"Mason says over a radio.Peter looks up and sees Toomes in his bird suit."Oh, that's him"Peter says.Toomes flys in behind the trucks and looks closely at the truck."Okay I got eyes on the convoy. Pulling in behind the caboose"Toomes says.
"Deploy anchors"Mason says and Toomes puts ropes to hold him down and technology to help him open the trucks top without letting the driver noticed."Dropping down"Toomes says and lands inside the truck."No outgoing distress signals You're clear" Mason says."Hey,Looks like they got some good stuff here"Toomes says while looking around.Toomes rips the cage open and takes what he needs not knowing Peter was on top of the truck."Cool. It's like some kind of matter phase shifter"Peter says while putting his hand through the purple thing.Toomes puts everything he needs in a bag."All right, coming up" Toomes says while jumping up and closing The bag.Peter webs the bag and makes the bag go to him."Hey,Big Bird this doesn't belong to you"Peter says and Toomes looks at him and Peter's eyes go wide."Oh, God"Peter says and Toomes gets in his wings and trys to knock Peter down but Peter jumps up.Peter trys to blast Toomes but two webs go in the right clearly missing him."Suit lady, what was that?!"Peter asks."You told me to choose"The Al says and Toomes gets to knock him down again but Peter moves to the side."What?No, just set everything back to normal"Peter says. "Activating all systems"The Al says. Toomes knocks Peter down inside the truck and Peter trys to go up but he hits his head on the roof making him black out.
Peter groans and looks around to see He was still in the back of the truck.
"My head"Peter groans."You appear to have a mild concussion"The Al says and Peter gets up and looks around not feeling the thing move."Hey, so where am I right now?"Peter asks. "I'm not sure, The container walls are hindering my sensors"The Al says. "Wait a minute,they must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair.Okay, suit lady, we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one Three,two,one"Peter says and knocks the door down and gets in position only to see He was somewhere in a gray room with some back truck boxes."What is this place? Suit lady, where am I?"Peter asks. "You're in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard,The Damage Control deep storage vault"The Al says."No Seriously?"Peter says shocked.
Peter tries to get the big concrete door open but It's was no use.Peter tries to open it with his hands and kicking it but it was no use."The door will most likely remain closed until morning" The Al says."Morning?"Peter asks.
Peter was laying down in one of his web beds that he made."Hey, suit lady. I kind of feel bad calling you suit lady, you know?I think I should probably give you a name"Peter says."Like Liz. No, no, no God, that's-That's weird,What about Karen?"Peter says. "You can call me Karen if you would like"Karen says.
"Hey, Karen, what else can this suit do?"Peter asks while he reads a book upside down and webs show next to him making him shocked "What?" Peter says in amazement.
"Maybe we should run that refresher course"Peter says while looking at the spider symbol in the wall.
"Ricochet web"Karen says."Ricochet web"Peter says and shoots a web at the wall but it bounces back like a ball making Peter take cover."Cool"Peter says."Splitter web"Karen says and two webs come out but they go in two different directions.
"Web grenade"Karen says."Web grenade!"Peter says and throws a web making it go big.
Peter jumps up and down while he swings a web like a jump rope.
"Should I tell Liz that I'm Spider-Man?"Peter asks Karen while he lays down."Who is Liz?"Karen asks."Who's Liz?"Karen asks."She's-She's the best. She's awesome,She's just a girl who goes to my school and-Yeah, I just-I really want to tell her,but it's kind of weird, you know?Hey, I'm Spider-Man"Peter says."What's weird about that?"Karen asks."What if she's expecting someone like Tony Stark? Imagine how disappointed she'd be when she sees me"Peter says."Well if I were her,I wouldn't be disappointed at all"Karen says."Thanks, Karen It's really nice to have somebody to talk to hey, how long we been here anyways?"Peter says."Thirty-seven minutes"Karen says."What?!Thirty-seven minutes?That's insane,I cannot take this anymore. I got to-I gotta get out of here"Peter says and jumps down from a box and goes to the inside of the box he was in before and looks around."There's got to be something in here I can use"Peter says."Okay, let's see Nope, That's awesome"Peter says while taking things from the bag and then he takes out a glowing purple thing."Hey, it's like the glowy thing"Peter says while looking at it."That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core"Karen says and Peter's eyes widen."You mean,we've been carrying around a bomb?Lia is going to kill us"Peter asks while putting it down and taking his cellphone out."It would require radiation to transform it into an explosive state"Karen says."No, no, no"Peter says while he calls Ned but he dosen't answer.Peter then calls Natalia but she dosen't answer neither.Peter runs out of the box and shoots a web at the big concrete door and sticking on it.Peter behing knocking at it."Hey! Please! Please, somebody let me out!Hey! Karen, you have to help me override that time lock"Peter says while looking at a energy box.
Peter is hanging upside down from the ceiling."Okay, Karen, lower the voltage and run it"Peter says."Trial unsuccessful"Karen says and Peter groans."Okay, we're just gonna have to try every sequence"Peter says while writing on his notebook.
Natalia's bathing suit

Natalia's Outift when she goes and sees her sister

Natalia's Outift when she goes and sees her sister

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