(Meet) Prodigious Partner! [TAMAT]

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penulis rachel_ea

baca aja deh ya,gak tau mau komen apa nanti kalau kalian udah baca pasti tau deh gimana perasaanku pas liat endingnya

Amiya Chairani (24) harus segera move on!Hubungan gelapnya dengan Radiansyah Putera (28) harus segera berakhir.Ketika Amiya dihadapkan dengan hubungannya yang rumit bersama Radi, Amiya tanpa sengaja melibatkan sosok Adian (34), teman di kelas magisternya. Kebersamaan mereka pun tak terelakkan, walaupun baik Amiya maupun Adian sebenarnya enggan untuk saling mencampuri kehidupan satu sama lain. Copyright © May 2018 (Revised July) ▪ Rachel ▪ All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or be copied without the prior written permission of the author. This story is just a work of fiction. Names, characters, etc that was written include the conversation are only author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual event, persons, living or death is entirely coincidental. [There's no adult scene here]

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