Hello Good Morning

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I'm just waking up and the sun beaming in a nigga face and shit..
I looked up and noticed that I wasn't at home in my own bed.. I looked under the cover and noticed I was butt ass naked.. Still laying in the bed I started thinking and that's when I looked down and seen Megan laying in my chest.. I'm not gonna lie Megan is beautiful as hell when she's asleep but a nigga kind of felt guilty af for last night.. I ain't gon lie and say it wasn't the best I've ever had period.. I mean the pussy slippery and gripping just how I like it but we need to establish some rules cause all our people will be on our ass about it. I was snapped out my thoughts when I felt her tongue trace my tattoos on my chest.. what you doing,I asked giggling like a school kid. Tryna feel a lil bit more of what I felt last night, She said looking me straight in the eyes.. Oooh you serious serious, Aight, I said giving her the go to do whatever the fuck the to me.. I looked at her lips god i wanted to kiss them again. So grabbed the back for her head and pulled her into one. Once she fell into it she reached down between us grabbed my dick and stroked me the whole time we kissed.
She pulled back and I gave the the notion to have a seat.. once she got in here rightful place I let my tongue do the rest.. I love tasting her until she cum and I love cleaning my plate too. I looked at the mirror on ceiling and see she holding on to the headboard and her eyes are closed. Then she looked down at me grabbing in my curls squirming tryna get out of my firm grip because of all the intense Pressure I'm applying on her ass right now.. Her screams lightly filled the room then her body shook for a minute. After she came I continued to clean my plate.. laying her down on her back I entered into her wet walls slowly and she let a moan loud enough that anybody could've heard it, but unfortunately I managed to cover her mouth before she could fully let it out causing her to dig her nails deep in my back.. Just when I was adjusting my stroke she pushed me on my back and stood up.
Looking up at her was amazing. OH MY GOD!!!,I said before realizing I said it..
She smiled and dropped down on her to tip toes sliding on me... Oooouuu Megan, I moaned as she rode me.
I'm tryna fuck her back but my body has fallen weak to her period.. she looked at me and asked me was I ok.. yeah I responded shaking my head at question... Continuing she started to catch her speed a lil bit causing me to moan louder than I actually was. The feeling really had my ass gone for a minute until I felt her body shake and drop on top of me .. Keep riding baby, I whispered in her ear causing her to shake more but still did what she was told..
Thirty minutes pasted then them thirty turned into a quick forty.. before we knew it an hour pasted but we didn't care. She got off of me laid on the bed and arched her back then looked back at me.. come get it, she told me in sexy ass tone. Making my entrance into her slick walls I could see her gripping the sheets tight af right now.. smirking I started picking up my speed going harder and faster knocking water out her ass causing her to run from me.. Oh fuck!!, She screamed as her walls gripped me causing me to choke her and pain her ass until I pulled out and busted.. I grabbed the towel that was on the chair with my clothes cleaned her off and then myself..
I laid next her and pulled her in my arms and looked at her.. Damn you're beautiful af i said looking her in her eyes but we gotta establish some ground rules for us.. She looked at me and said Ok we can do that.. rule #1 No more sex until we really get to know everything about about each other.. rule #2 Never catch feelings and rule #3 Stay Loyal to each other.. She looked at me and laughed,I got you she said looking me in the eyes.. But what if we do decide to break rule # 1?? She asked me.. Well iguess we gon have to break it if we do decide to, I said answering her question.. With that we got up and got in the shower. After 30 minutes we stepped out the shower I turned off the water and I walked back in the room an grab my clothes with Megan behind me.. Once I grabbed my jeans my phone buzzed and Daren's name flashed across the screen..

HotGirlYella: Where in the fuck are you??
KashMakeitSnow: mind ya business
HotGirlYella: I just seen yo shirt and keys downstairs boy that's why I asked you don't have to be rude..
KashMakeitSnow: Ok Yella..
HotGirlYella: Yeah but lemme find out tho.
KashMakeitSnow: let you find out what Yella??
HotGirlYella: You and Megan..
KashMakeitSnow: kmsl it ain't nothing you need to find out about us..
HotGirlYella: uh huh ok
KashMakeitSnow: uh huh yeah
(Text ended)
Maaaannn that damn Daren a trip Foo, I said looking at Megan.. what you mean she asked looking at me undereyed.. passing my phone to her showing the text messages between me and Daren she busted out laughing.
Yeah my bestie can be a real nut sometimes but I wouldn't trade her for the world, she said still laughing at the text.. By the time I finished putting on my pants and shoes there was a knock on the bedroom door.. I walked to the door unlocking it, before I could open the door good here comes Daren water jug head ass barging in.. Didn't you just text me like two minutes ago I asked her.. yeah but what y'all doing in here she asked looking in between me and Megan..
Mind ya business, I snapped back at her.. RUDE,she said In a hurt tone leaving out and your people waiting on you she said and with that she left..
I looked back at Megan, lemme get them home I'ma change then come back and pick you up I wanna take you somewhere with me.. ok she said without even hesitating..
I kissed her on the forehead and left out the room.. Soon as I hit the stairs walking down I hear Kari and Kelsey talking about a party but before Kari could open her mouth, we'll be there I said causing them to look at me.. How you doing this morning lil hot boi, Kelsey asked looking at me all funny and shit..
Shit I'm good loving this California morning responding back to Kelsey.. Uh huh, she said watching me grab my shirt and keys.. I looked at her and laughed, then looked at Kari. y'all ready to go.. Looking at me all undereyed she finally said yeah.. with that we jumped in the range and left...


(Ride home Drunk in love playing )
As soon as we get in the car and pull off I looked over at Kash and he got a lil glow going on since last night.. I don't know if something happened last night but he been smiling since we left.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when his phone buzzed and I seen Futurebbymama💦💋👪 flash across the screen of his phone.. who is that Kash I asked him.. Mind ya business he said as He quickly picked it up and  answered it. Wassup bae he said soon as he answered.. I could clearly hear a females voice on the other end.. Just hold on to it bae I'll get it talk to you later,He said bitting his bottom lip.. alright bye he said after finishing the convo. He put his phone down and looked at me then back at the road, What's wrong Kari he asked me..
I'm tryna figure out who Futurebbymama is that's all, I said being petty af.
Mind ya business is all he could tell me but, he was right because it wasn't my business to know...

I'm still floating like hell right now.. That d'uss got my ass fucked up til the point where I just wanna sleep.. I look over I see ron and Khaios went back to sleep, Kari and Kash in the front having a conversation.. I noticed Kash was looking a lil brighter than normal but I ain't ask no questions, because our parents told us to never ask questions we don't wanna know the answer to.. Awhile later we pulled up at home and there's someone sitting on our front steps.. Parking in the driveway, I know this bih. fuck!! Fuck fuck fuck!!!, I heard Kash say immediately which caused me to look at Kari too. Kari looked like she was ready to blow the fuck up.. Then I looked at the person and I couldn't believe my fucking eyes.... I know like hell this hoe didn't..

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