8.) * Rare Snow *

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When I woke up, my head was pounding... I sat up, coming face to face with the guy from the forest. He was still watching, he's creepy if he watched me sleep... "Don't give me that face..." He sighed, and walked over to bed I was in. "Where am I?" I asked, my throat was scratchy...

"In NorthStar's infirmary..." He replied, as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Why'd didn't you kill me earlier...?" I looked around the room. The whole room was white with gray stiles on the floor. "Because, You didn't seem aggressive, and you are a White Snow..." He played with the quilt on the bed.

"A special and rare type wolf..." He told me, looking at me. "Your type is born very a thousand years..." He looked at me, genuinely. I didn't believe that... "So, why did my mate reject me?" I pointed at myself, feeling empty. "I don't know, he might not have known..." He shrugged.

"So, why am I so special?" I crossed my arms, wanting a very good answer... "White Snow wolves are very powerful...they hold a supernatural power, they are born from a former White Snow, and a female witch..." He told me, "Your father was a White Snow, and your mother was Witch..."

"Its true...they are..." Treasure spoke up, stirring my mind.

"So why did Quinn kill my parents?" I asked out loud.

"Quinn killed them, not because your dad saved a rogue, but because someone told Quinn to kill them..." Treasure admitted, with terror in her voice.

"He was probably afriad that your parents where more powerful than his father, as King Alpha..." The guy said, as he looked into my eyes. "Why didn't he get rid of me?" My mind scattered around. My brain tried processing all of this...

"If you died, no more White Snows would exist..." The guy reached for my wrist. "Look..." He took my wrist in his hands. I looked at my wrist... It was lightly glowly, with a black symbol. "Wha--" I was stunned, I've never seen this before... I saw it on my father's wrist, when I was like 10, but I dismissed it.

"Your a White Snow..." The guy smiled at the sign, tracing the symbol. It tickled, "Every pack on the face of the earth wants a White Snow in their pack..." He was probably talking to himself... Jus then, the door opened. A lady came in, with a clipboard. She was wearing scrubs, like a doctor.

"Ms. Whilst..." She looked from me from the guy. "Alpha Dakota..." She greeted the guy, I guess he's Alpha Dakota of NorthStar... He nodded, and placed my wrist on the bed, and left. "Okay, I just need to run some test..." She told me, as another nurse came in, rolling a cart with needles...Shit...

The first nurse, had blonde locks, with gray hair. The second nurse, had red hair, with black eyes. "I need to get a quart of your blood..." The redhead said, setting the needle into a bag. The blonde one was checking my water pouch. The redhead came the opposite side of the bed, as she gently took my arm.

"Count to three, please..." She guided me, "One...Two...Three.." She poked the needle into my arm. I kept my scream in, as she kept the needle in me. The blonde nurse rubbed my forehead, trying to calm my nerves. Finally, the redhead took the needle out of me. I sighed, as she patted my arm with a wet towel. "Good job, sweetie" She praised me.

All I could do was smile, weakly. The redhead rolled the cart out of the room, as the blonde watched her leave. She grabbed some bandages, and began to wrap my arm, where the redhead stuck the needle in me. "You know, your ever special..." She murmured, looking at me.

"I've been told that..." I sighed... "No, really...if Alpha Dakota hadn't caught you, you've probably be dead now..." She put water in the pitcher. "Is it because I'm a White Snow?" I argue with her statement. "Nope, if his father caught you, he would have killed you for being a rogue..." She winked, as she left the room, before I could ask anything else.

I laid down, on my back, and tried to connect with Treasure.

"Who told Quinn to kill my family...?" I asked, pulling the cover onto me.

"I can't tell you yet..." Treasure replied, disconnecting from me...

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