15.) * When Deeds Are Done *

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Alpha Quinn's POV.

When I woke up, my face was on my keyboard. I looked up, seeing my computer. I was still in my study... I groaned, feeling a light fever. I get up, seeing about four cups of empty coffee cups, scattered over my desktop. I rubbed my forehead.


"I want them GONE!" He growled through the cellphone. "Okay, they'll be gone.." My voice was shaky through the phone. "They better be, you have 48 hours to get the job done, or something bad will happen..." He sneered. He promised that if I didn't do what he told me, he'd kill my family.

I hung up, after I heard the line go dead.

I walked out of my room, to see Brock with crossed arms. "What?" I asked, shaking the queasky feeling I had from my conversation. "Nothing, have you seen Ellis?" Brock asked, shifting his weight on his left foot. He looked impatient... "Uhm...no, I haven't seen her...." I was lying, I had seen her earlier, with Raleigh.

"Oh, alright, I'll seeya later." Brock turned away, and left the hall.

I sighed, and buried my face in my hands, how was I gonna do such a terrible deed for someone I didn't even know? I asked myself over and over, making my way to dinner with the pack. I slipped down the stairs of the resting quarters, and ran to the dinner hall. Most of the pack was there already, waiting to be served with food.

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