Chapter 1

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Hello! Author-chan here! It is still really scary for me to share my stories here online, so please don't hate on it! If you don't like or agree with an idea/headcanon of mine or something mentioned in this story, either kindly comment about it or please don't read :))) All constructive criticism is welcome!!! If you like, please leave a comment and/or vote. Thank you!~

This amazing artwork is not mine. All credits go to the person who made it. 

Warning(s): mild language. may include mature topics.

Disclaimer(s): I do NOT own Hetalia.

I am also NOT an expert on any of the Nordic countries' languages or cultures, nor am I a student in any of the specified fields in this story. If you are a student or graduate from any of these fields and should you find any errors career or schooling-wise, please tell me so I can improve!Other than that, please enjoy!


It was nearing the end of another quiet afternoon at the Norwegian University campus. Snow fell, students milled about at the center, classes were in session, tests were being taken, loads of homework were being done. It was no wonder -- the holidays were fast approaching. Lukas Bondevik sat in his room, his back against the small window seat, and he peered downward at the campus. A mug of steaming hot coffee resided near him, as he absentmindedly tapped his pencil against his lip, deep in thought. 

Lukas was finishing up his fourth year of Medical School, currently working toward his, preparing for a future as a doctor of medicine.

His older "brother", Matthias was completing his final year of business school in Denmark. His other younger brothers were busy students as well. Berwald was studying engineering in Sweden, Tino was in Finland, completing his second year in law school, and finally, his actual biological brother, Emil, was still an undergraduate in Iceland, majoring in Biology at University to later attend Dental School.

It had been years since they had all seen each other at once...

Lukas wanted his mind to wander from his brothers, yet for some reason, he found that he couldn't. Even still, as the stoic, quiet person he was, he still found himself missing his brothers a lot, more than he was ever willing to admit. Because he knew that once he completed his medical education in a couple of years, he would be in an internship in a hospital, while Matthias would likely be the owner of a business. Berwald would be inventing ingenious devices and what-not, Tino would undoubtedly be handling cases by then, and Emil would be in Dental school. It was a lot to take in.

But with some effort, he managed to push those thoughts to the back of his mind. Focusing once again on his work, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in the pit of his stomach. To loft his mind off of it, he decided to turn to his schedule. If there was one thing that could distract the usually focused Norwegian, it was looking at his schedule. As a medical student, his schedule was packed with highlighted reminders for studying for certain quizzes and exams, shadowing notes, lecture notes and reminders, labs, and hospital shifts. Which reminded him, he thought, he had one in an hour.

Lukas turned away from the binder full of study notes, schedules, and essays, and instead decided to give Emil a call before carrying on. Really, it was bothersome how much he needed to study, yet somehow couldn't. Getting up from his cozy spot on the cushion, he padded toward his backpack and slipped out his phone from a pocket. Just as he was getting himself comfortable again on the seat, his phone began to ring on its own, signaling an incoming call. Lukas scowled when he saw the caller ID. Matthias Køhler.

Answering cautiously, trying not to groan, half knowing that he would regret this later, he put it to his ear and spoke.


"Heya, Lukas?! How're ya doin', buddy?!!"

Lukas was terribly startled from the sudden loud noise of the all too-familiar voice. Flinging the phone away from his poor ear, Lukas answered exasperatedly.

"Augh, Matthias, don't do that!"

Said person giggled on the other end, causing Lukas to scowl even deeper. The man hadn't changed one bit. 

"Do what?!" So now he was aiming to get on his nerves now in a tornado of Danish. Lukas decided to carry on in his mother tongue of Norwegian.

"Stop yelling. It's so loud and obnoxious, and it makes me want to throw my phone across the damn room. That was so unnecessary and unexpected and stupid, especially when we haven't seen each other in over a year now. That's what." 

"Aww, what is it, brother? Have you gotten unaccustomed to my awesomeness after all this time?!"

Lukas rolled his eyes. Matthias spoke again, this time in a quieter voice, although it was still a tad too loud for the former's taste.

"But, in all seriousness, huh, it has been a year. Wow, time sure flies."

"Yeah, speaking of which, why are you even calling me? Because maybe unlike you, I have some serious studying to do for final exams,"

"Oh yeah, that's right! Well, I was thinking that maybe the five of us could maybe, like, get together again! Wouldn't that be great? All of us – You, me, Berwald, Tino, and Emil!! I was thinking maybe sometime in a few weeks, just in time for Christmas break! How's that sound, huh?!"

Lukas was nearly dizzy from the overly excited Dane's rapid torrent of words. Reunite again? All of them? It had been years since he had seen all of them at once... But it would be nice... He did have a lot of work to do, work he had to do correctly without any distractions, in order to succeed and pass through medical school...


"Oh, ah, sorry, I was just thinking..."

"About what?! Isn't that an awesome idea?!"

"...Well, I guess, but—"

"AWESOME THEN! I'll call the others now!! Gotta go now, Norgie! See you in exactly three weeks, at 3:00 PM at the Copenhagen Airport!"

With that, the call ended with a beep.

"Wh-wait! Augh, Matthias, oh, what the hell?!"

Just then, the apartment door opened. There, at the entrances, stood one of his roommates, Paul. He looked momentarily frightened, but nonetheless, shut the door behind him, pink hoodie still wet from the sleet and snow outside. Lukas inwardly figured his roomate's surprise was because he never yelled.

"Sorry about that, Paul, my annoying... older brother just called me."

"You have an older brother?"

"Well, not exactly, we only call each other brothers. We're just... well, we're just really good friends."

"Oh, I see." 

Lukas nodded and turned his attention back to his work, but not without missing the minuscule smile on his roommate's face. 

After a long day of homework and a hospital shift, Paul was more than happy for some peace and quiet to read through a few chapters of his textbook. And that was something Lukas was especially good at lending. Peace and quiet. Well, except for when he talked to that guy on the phone, apparently.

Just then, the door opened again, and in stepped their other roommate, Sage. She was, as usual home later than the others. She usually preferred to stay at the library or lecture hall to study. She waved her hello, set down her things, then prepared for more studying till late in the night.

After a few hours, at 11:36 pm, to be exact, Lukas found himself nodding off. With that, he decided, he would let himself sleep a few hours for some well-deserved rest. It had been a long day, with only more like this to come. But it was only in his blissful, half-asleep state, however, that he noticed that he never did call Emil. 


If you get the reference to another fandom I slipped in there, comment and i'll give you a virtual cookie~

love 'ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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