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c y r u s:

after tj's constant begging, cyrus finally got help for not only his dad but his severe depression and ptsd. it wasnt an easy thing for him to give in to but he knew that it wasn't getting any better. the day he was finally convinced was during junior year when he had come to tj's front door crying.

"he's everywhere, teej." cyrus said through tears. tj was holding him in his arms while tj's mom went to go get a wet washcloth.
tj's home had become cyrus' home and his parents loved cyrus. tj's mom knew something was going on but she never pushed.
cyrus was currently burning up and had just got done throwing up. his mental state was taking a toll on his body.
"cy, babe, we have to tell someone. someone that can help. it's just going to get worse."
tj absolutely hated seeing cyrus like this and he knew cyrus hated him seeing him like this. but tj was always there for cyrus. but today he just needed cyrus to understand how dangerous his situation is.
"okay." was what cyrus said and it completely shocked tj. it had never been that easy but cyrus was tired of being scared. he wanted to feel whole and happy and his dad made that harder and harder. so he told someone. and he got help.

after cyrus finally talked to child services, he was put into a foster home. since he was 16 almost 17, he was hoping that he would only have to stay in one foster home. and he did. he ended up loving the family he was staying with and they treated him like he was their own. he knew they never fully accept him into the family but that was okay. he was safe and that was all that matters.

during junior and senior year, cyrus worked his butt of to bring up with grades and get his credits after having a discussion with his college advisor. he knew what he wanted to do with his life and it looked impossible to achieve that goal but it was proven possible.
he ended graduating at the top of his class and had been accepted by NYU, his dream college. he had saved money from the multiple jobs he worked, got some scholarship money, and because of his current situation was actually able to pay it off. and he was ecstatic.
it was one of the best moments of his life.

t j:

tj continued to love and care for his beautiful boyfriend and he never doubted anything between them. he had come out to his parents 3 months after him and cyrus started dating and at first his parents were hesitant. they didn't know how to react.
maybe it was because tj was the basketball player, jock or maybe it was just surprising. but they soon came around and they are now 100% supportive.
his parents also started to work out their problems and realized that they have so much potential and they waste it fighting about stupid things. they soon fell back in love.

tj also continued to play basketball and anyone who watched could see that he had a gift.
colleges had always been looking at him but during junior year it was crazy. there were scouts at every game.
at the end of his junior year, he was given a full-ride scholarship to penn state university to play basketball.
it was a dream come true and he couldn't be happier.

t j & c y r u s:

when they first started college, they thought they could do the long distance. it was only a 4 hour car ride for tj and a 6 hour train ride for cyrus. and they made it work for the first semester.
but then basketball season was in full swing and tj had no time to go and visit cyrus.
on one of the weekends that cyrus came to watch tj play basketball, tj broke up with cyrus. it wasn't dramatic and crazy but it was heartbreaking. tj didn't want to do it but he knew it was what was right.
cyrus knew that it was hard to make it work but he also knew that they couldn't just not talk. so even if they weren't together anymore, they still continued to facetime and text and they both went back to utah during the summer.
cyrus had to stay with tj because technically he was homeless but the kippens didn't mind.

the love was still there between the two but they didn't act on it again until 6 years later.
tj had just graduated with his degree in education and history. he wanted to teach history and be a basketball coach at a school. he was granted his dream job at a public school in long beach, california.
not long after tj was granted his dream job so was cyrus. since he had graduated a year before, he had been working his butt off, writing nonstop. he wanted to put as much of his work out into the world so he could finally be noticed had he was.
he had written a coming of age story and it fell into the hands of a director and two weeks later he was on a plane to hollywood.

tj and cyrus both realized when they moved to california, that they were still so madly in love. they moved into a small house in long beach and everyday cyrus made the commute to los angeles.
a year later they had a small wedding on the beach in their backyard. it was perfect and everything they ever wanted.

cyrus still struggled with his severe nightmares and ptsd. it felt like a constant reminder of his terrible childhood. but every morning when he woke up and saw his beautiful husband's face, that was a constant reminder that he didn't give up and that he was cared for.

3 years after they got married, the couple decided to adopt twins from guatemala. a boy and a girl. they named their girl sage kippen-goodman and their boy forest kippen-goodman. their two favorite shades of green. the thing that was maybe the start of their relationship.

to this day their heads and their hearts still are at ease with everything about their relationship. sure they have their ups and downs but at the end of the day, they know that what they have is priceless.


anddddd it's finished. idk how i really feel about the book but i'm glad you guys enjoyed it. i feel like it was sort of rushed but only because i couldn't think of any ideas and i wanted to finish it before the finale which is tomorrow:(
thank u guys for reading, voting, and commenting. it means the world to me and don't you guys worry, i'll be back in a few weeks with a new tyrus story i've been working on.
good luck to everyone who is about to watch the finale!!!!!! i love uuuu

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