Steph's Fortnightly Adventure: B6

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- Home | Thursday -

It had been a week and few days since my last encounter with Maes and Maxiy. As I tried to go about my days as usual, I couldn't seem to rid myself of the memories. It's not as if I wanted to, mind you. It's just that I lusted for more and knowing I couldn't get it upon request was extremely frustrating.

That aside, it was a nice day out so I felt to wear a nice outfit to work. I walked around the room with a wine glass in one hand as I was getting dressed, as I was in no rush. My supervisor took a week's leave, leaving me in charge of my department in his stead. Stand-in supervisor meant I could take a few minutes, right? I finished my supervisor's breakfast and finished getting dressed. Before heading through the door I realized my handbag didn't complement my outfit at all. I had on mostly nude and my handbag was noir black. Yeah, that wasn't gonna fly. I remembered had a Micheal Kors turquoise handbag which went with the complementing colours of my top, so I decided I was going to carry that handbag instead of my usual. As I emptied my main handbag I came upon a pitch black, rectangular piece of, what felt like, smooth silk with lace trimmings. Having no idea where it came from, I tinkered with it to see if I could find information to jog my memory. Alas, nothing came to mind.

Out of options, I sat there admiring the texture of the material, running my hand over its edges. While running my right thumb across the top, I heard a click. Surprised, I held the item away from my face. I took no chances; I watched a lot of Criminal Minds. A minute passed and nothing happened so I guessed it was safe. Yeah, paranoia set it. I waited for a few seconds but I thought, "It may have a delayed reaction." so I waited. I also watched a lot of Batman; see with me. After looking closer, the top of the item had been lifted. Underneath was "16th. 15th & 4th. B6. 11pm." I had no idea what it meant initially but I got an idea of where it may have came from. It had to be Maes. Once I grasped that train of thought, I figured out what it was. It had to be an invite. As to what? I had no idea.

I glimpsed the time on my watch, realized I was going to be later than originally planned and headed through the door.

- Work -

The work day was a blur. I could only remember three things: looking out the supervisors office windows with my legs over the desk, ordering persons around and searching for the meaning behind the invite. Evidently, 11pm was a designated time but what did the rest mean? I would just contact Maes but I'm sure that'd ruin everything, plus I loved the mystery. As I glanced around the room, while trying to decode the message, I got a clue. It was the date of the encounter. 16th had to be the day of the encounter as the 4th and 15th had already passed. I guess that meant our encounter would be that night at 11pm. I was a little disappointed I didn't find the invite sooner, as I'd have time to plan an outfit for the occasion. Thankfully, I found it when I did. I could have missed the chance to have Maes within my grips one more time. Now I had the time and date, that meant I was closer to solving this. Since, '15th & 4th' weren't dates I figured it had to be an address. I used my phone to look for the address as I didn't want to use my supervisor's computer. On 15th & 4th was the La Grandia Hotel. La Grandia was where many overseas dignitaries would stay when in the Big Apple. It's infamous for its services, decor, hospitality and luxury, which meant Maes was pulling out all the stops for me. My mouth watered, at the thought. As I phased back into reality, I licked my lips and using my right thumb, I slowly moved it cross my bottom lip. Awkwardly, I had eye contact with Tom from accounting while having my moment. I had to look away quickly before he got the wrong idea. Now, all of the invite was pretty much solved. I figured B6 clearly meant a floor of the hotel. In all the invite read: May 16th. La Grandia Hotel. Floor B6. 11pm. I couldn't wait.

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