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America POV

I remember what France said about seeing her again and get to know more about love. I gave her a call last night to come over at my place in Washington D.C. and she said she love too.

*Ding Dong*

I heard the doorbell rang. Must be France. I open the front door and standing there in front of me is her. Smiling excitedly.

"Bonjour America" she greeted.

"Hey France" I said as I let her inside.

"So what we're going to do today?" She ask as I closed the front door and lead her to the couch in the living room to sit down.

"I was thinking about going to this brand new smoothie place open last week ago and maybe we can walk around at the beach this evening" I said.

I can tell France like the idea, "Funny to say, I'm getting pretty thirsty and I was just thinking about getting a smoothie too. I would love to visit one of the beaches in your country."

"Great, let's have some fun!" I cheered and noticing France covering her ear, "Did I shout in your ear France? I'm sorry."

"It's alright America, it was worth it and your just excited" she said.

Then we head outside to go have some fun!


At the smoothie place, me and France got the same flavor and size. Which is a strawberry flavor small size smoothie. Their were very delicious. Going back there again someday. France mention to me that this is such a perfect romantic date for me and Belarus of getting smoothies and going to the beach. If he only like smoothies.

As we were walking down the streets, some men around in their look like to me early thirties were giving me seductive and lustful looks at my body while winking and cat calling. It made me very uncomfortable. France told me to ignore them. She had this problem before with men flirting her uncomfortably back in her home country.

When we got to the beach, the sunset looks really beautiful on the horizon line above the ocean. We were sitting on top of some huge rocks listening to the relaxing sounds of the ocean waves. They're weren't many people around at the beach. It just felt calming and nice.

"Hey Marianne" I said.

"Oui? (Yes)" She said.

"Remember the other day when we were talking about love?"

"Of course I do. So you want to know more?"

"Yes please" I took a sip of my smoothie.

"Love is has many ways like having feeling towards someone that affects your heart in a good way, makes you happy a lot, have a strong affection for someone, and even sexual feelings."


"Oui, it seems you have a strong affection on him, just like he does with you."

I blush a little at that part, thinking his feelings for me. I was always the type of girl never wanted a boyfriend and be in a relationship yet.

Hate to say this, that I don't know if I should go out with him or not.

I look at France with a concerned look on my face, "Should I ask him out?"

She look at me with an exciting look on her face, "Oh mon Dieu (oh my gosh) yes you should Amelia, that would change your whole life, same with Nikolai!"


"Oui, you are so beautiful Amelia!"

"Um...thanks?" I said looking confused now.

"Of course darling, what's with confused look?"

"Some of the female nations told me before I was stuck up, snobby, and a whore" I said looking down at the thought of it.

"Don't listen to them Amelia, they're just jealous of you" France as she brought her hand under my chin and lift it up, so I was looking straight at her.

"Hm...true" I shrugged. Countries do tend get jealous of me being the World's Superpower.

For the rest of this beautiful evening, we finished our smoothies and walk around near the ocean. Also putting our feet in too. Soon, we got tired and decided to leave.

"Thank you for inviting me here Amelia" France thanked me.

"Hey no problem, I just want to spend some time with my family member" I said.

"Aww same here Amelia, I'm hoping one day we could bring the F.A.C.E. family as one again and have some fun togezer"

"I was thinking the same thing too, I'll love that a lot."

We got into my car and drove off. The hotel she's staying at wasn't too far at all, it was like ten minute drive there. Once we got there, she got out of the car and went inside the hotel. Then I went back home.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and put on some pj's which was light blue shorts and a white T-shirt with the American flag on it. I went into bed and fell asleep dreaming about him.

Belarus. ♡

You & Me. Forever and Always | 🇧🇾Male Belarus x Female America🇺🇸Where stories live. Discover now