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America POV

Yo to be honest. That was fun hanging out with France yesterday. Hope to do this again someday with (what France mentioned yesterday) bringing the F.A.C.E. family together again.

I do miss hanging out with England and my sister Canada. I know lately Maddie been hanging out with Ukraine more since you know they're dating. They make such a beautiful, cute n' cool couple.
And for Iggy, she's been busy a lot with her country and working for her Queen too.

Anyways for this morning, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Somehow today is pretty nice cool day. It's not super warm at all just cool with no clouds like yesterday just clear sky. After my hair is dried, I put on a white mid sleeve crop top, light blue capris jeans, a diamond star hair clip that France gave me for my birthday last year with a matching necklace too, and white converse shoes. I also brush my hair too.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to make some pancakes from a recipe that Maddie had sent me a while ago along with her famous Canadian maple syrup. Yes I do cook. I don't go to McDonald's everyday.
I gather all the ingredients for the recipe until my phone rang playing the Wonder Women fight theme song from the 2016 'Batman vs Superman' movie. I grab my phone from inside my pocket, it was Liet. So I answered, "Hey Liet what's up?"

"Oh thank goodness you answered your phone Ms. America" she breath heavily all over dramatic through the phone line.

"Yeah, why would you think I wouldn't picked up?" I ask wondering now what's her problem.

"I thought you were busy with your boss or something. It's good thing your not" she replied sounding like a nervous wreck now. True, I would leave my phone to voice mail like always when I have meetings with my boss.

"Are you alright Liet? You seem nervous."

There was silence through the phone line for about a minute until she took a deep breath and said, "I need to tell you something important."

"I'm listening."

"It's about......Belarus" she said as my eyes widen in surprise. I thought she gotten over with him. I didn't expected she would have feelings for him.....AGAIN!

"Why? you like him again?" I ask.

"No I don't like him anymore, only as a friend" she replied. That's good. I was planning to ask him out soon. Then she continued, "I know he likes you Ms. America."

My heart melted in joy after what she said making my blush and smile a lot. I can't believe he likes me back.

"Really?" I ask. Even though I already heard her and this pretty much a dumb question to ask, but I just wanna make sure.

"Taip (yes), I need to warn you about him" she replied. I tensed up what she just said now. What do you mean by 'warning me' about him, theirs nothing wrong with him! Not going to explained that to her.

"What about him to warn me?"

She took another deep breath and said, "You see, I gave him your address so he can visit you which is my biggest mistake I made and I'm sorry to give him your address without asking you in the first place and now he's in your cou-"

I cut her off, "It's alright Liet, I understand. You wanted to help him to get the chance to show his feelings to me by giving him my address and I don't care if you him my address. I'm cool with it."

"Um...Ms. America you actually don't understand, his obsession with you gotten way too far."

"What you mean he went 'way too far' with me?"

"He's threaten other nations to stay away from you so he can have you all to himself including me and Ms. France. Be careful. If I were you I would stay away from him, because I'm worried he will take advantage of you and maybe even worse......hurt you.

I tensed when she said that. Does she actually still like him?! I begin to get annoyed and frustrated. What's the point here. Why she doing this to me?! I thought she was my friend. I know Belarus isn't like that. He's not chasing me like he did to Russia. He isn't acting all creepy lately. And I know he would never hurt me. He didn't hurt me at the cafe after the meeting in Russia's country.

"Look Liet I don't know what's your deal here. I know Belarus isn't like that and you still like him secretly, don't you?" I angrily said.

"What! N-No I don't. I just want to keep you safe from him" she said.

"Your only saying that so you can have him all to yourself. I thought you were over with him. That's pretty selfish of you Liet. I thought you were my friend."

"But Ms. A-America p-please understand this isn't like this, you know now I don't actually like him."

"As if" I hung up the phone call between us.

I decided not make the pancakes at all since I'm too angry to make anything right now. I'm just going have a bowl of cereal right now.

Sorry Maddie. I do really love pancakes and your maple syrup.

I wonder where Belarus is now in my country.

Lithuania POV

"So what did she like say when you told her about Belarus?" Poland ask.

"It didn't went well" I replied to her.

"What you like mean?"

"She kinda over reacted, because she thought I like him still."

"Well she does have a point and I agree with her. It just look like you wanted to be with him since like everyone knows you liked him before."


"You know Liet, I could like let the other nations know."

I look at her in concerned, "But they probably think your only doing this so I can have Belarus. Which I don't want him."

"Trust me Liet, they wouldn't think that."

I didn't know anything else to say. I sigh and said, "Alright let's do this."

"That's the spirit Liet. Now let's start with England to warn first."

"Defiantly" I said as she grabbed her phone from her pink glittery purse.

You & Me. Forever and Always | 🇧🇾Male Belarus x Female America🇺🇸Where stories live. Discover now