Part one

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E: Momma where's Danny
M: I don't know el but we have to go now
E: but momma I can't leave Danny!
M: Elouise we are leaving right now and that's that I'm sorry

10 years later
Hi I'm Elouise my nickname is el I come from a troubled past my dad died when I was a few weeks old my mom says it was some freak accident but I don't know how much I believe that fast forward a year and a half to where I met my first best friend Daniel Seavey he was my best friend until I was five years old our friendship came to an end when my mom forced me to move away she was in a relationship with Daniels dad after they had been married for a year things went down hill Daniels dad got aggressive towards the three of us and one day it got bad he had taken it to a new level and hurt me and Daniel more than just throwing hurtful words at us my mom ran out with me as soon as things got scary I hadn't seen Daniel since I missed him terribly and I wish I could go back to that awful day and take him with us but my mom couldn't tale him with us because he wasn't her biological son, Daniel was a few years old than me, three years to be exact but he was the only person I knew that I could trust besides my mom the only other person that cared for me in the slightest and knew more about me then I could ever imagine knowing about myself. Anyways my birthday party is tomorrow I'm turning 16 my birthday present from my mom is for me to get emancipated she's been an alcoholic since that day and it hurts to much to see her like that and I've tried everything in my power to help her but you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped so after a year of bringing it up she agreed because she knew she was hurting me but she also know she didn't intend to stop anytime soon.

Daniels pov
I'm terrified I'm seeing my childhood best friend for the first time in 10 years I don't even know what she looks like if she likes the nickname elly or if she's still in love with giraffes and Johnny test I know nothing about her except one thing I want her in my life again she's part of why I am who I am today she thought me to be kind even when I was hurting to smile even when I didn't want to she was my breath of fresh air from everything wrong in my messed up world I shouldn't say messed up as if it still is I have my mom and she's remarried and he's like my father they have a daughter together who has became my new best friend through the years I've had a hard time making friends because no one was like elly she was all I wanted but everything I couldn't have, her mom came into contact with me a few weeks ago said that it would mean a lot to Elouise if I was there again that she always complains that her mother made her leave me I'm stoked but scared

Else pov
It's finally my birthday my mom and I are on our way to get me emancipated she keeps crying and saying she's sorry that she never meant for life to be like this that I was a good person and not to blame myself for everything that happened in my past but I can't help it I feel like I was the reason she started drinking I was so against her that  I would do anything to make her mad because I felt she deserved to be anything but happy since I couldn't be.
M:I have a surprise for you I think you'll really like
E:mom I told you not to really you've given me almost everything I could want I don't need it.
M: but I think you do and he's going to be at your new apartment when we're done.
E: you got me an apartment! Mom I really can't thank you enough.
M: I felt like I should give you something you've always just wanted a parent but you basically had to be your own and I'm really sorry about that and I'm going to sell the house and go to rehab I want to be in your life and see the woman you turn into and be there for your wedding and important things like that.
E: mom.. I really appreciate that I promise that I'll help you in any way you need me to even though we're doing this your still my mom through everything you'll still be my mom
M: that means a lot el
Skip to els new apartment cause I can't think of what else to have them talk about.
M: ok before we go in you have to close your eyes I'm not sure where your surprise is gonna be.
E: uhm ok
We walk into the building I'm stumbling all over the place cause I have no idea where we're going finally we stop I hear the key turn and my mom asks someone if their ready a guys voice says yes he sounds almost familiar but I can't think of it
M: k open
E: w-what the heck are you doing here
I run and hug him.
D: hi elly
E: where have you been how have you been I've missed you so much.
D: I'm ok I've missed you a lot to happy birthday.
E: thank you gosh I'm so happy your hear but at the same time I don't even know what to do it's been so long I almost started forgetting your face even your voice
D: me to and maybe we should go shopping to furnish your new home?
E: that's a great idea.
My mom walks back in
M: I'm sorry elly I have to leave early to rehab clinic says they need me to go there now I'll see you as soon as I get out ok.
E: ok I love you mom and thank you for everything
M: bye Daniel
D: bye ms. Jacobs
E: I guess we should get going to?
D: uhm yeah hey we mind need some help mind if I call a few friends.
E: sure why not the more the merrier
D: great they'll love you maybe even as much as I do  uh I didn't mean to Say that out loud
E: it's ok and I mean I love you too.
D: I've really missed you elly

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