Can You Hear Me? Pt.6

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Your mom wraps the scarf around your face one more time. "Promise you'll call once you get there? Please?" She reminds you for the hundredth time.

You huff but the sound is muffled by the scarf. "Yes mom I promise I will remember to text you."

"More like I'll remind you to text her." Johnny says lounging in the back of your mind. He was trying to give you some space to say goodbye to your family but he didn't want to fully leave you. Not while you were so close to being with him.

You click your tongue, meaning the sound for Johnny. "Quiet you or else I won't come see you." You tease him.

Johnny lets out a short laugh. "Oh like we both know that's never gonna happen. You won't be able to stay away."

The two weeks at home went by quickly but also dragged on. They were heavy on your heart which was already in Chicago.

But now it was finally time. You were catching a flight to Chicago for 2 weeks before school started again. In a few hours you would finally see your soulmate. Finally be able to hug him, smell him, feel him. And kiss him.

Your mom gives you one last hug. "I love you Y/N. Have a good time with Johnny. I also expect to see pictures." She pats your cheek lovingly.

You smile back at her. "I will momma. And I love you too. Be safe going home." She nods and gestures for you to go into security.

You wave goodbye until she can't see you anymore.

Your pulse quickens once you get through security and are walking to your gate. "Oh my god this is really happening. I'm really going to Chicago. I'm really gonna see Johnny."

"Are you at your gate?" Johnny pops back in, breaking your train of thought.

"Uh..ah yeah. Yeah I am. I'm just waiting to board right now."

"Are you good baby? You sound off." Concern shows through in Johnny's voice. "Are you afraid of flying? I can talk to you the whole time so you don't think about it if you want."

You smile softly. "Aww you're so sweet love. But no I'm alright, I'm just nervous. And excited."

Johnny laughs softly. A warm sound filling your ears. "There's nothing to be nervous about baby. But I know it is a bit nerve wracking. But how do you think I feel? I don't even know who to look for! I'll just keep yelling for you and embarrass you."

You laugh at him now. "Oh you'll know. I promise. But you better not yell for me! I'll just hide from you then!"

Johnny's laughter fills your head again. "Yah that's mean Y/N!" You laugh with him and then the voice goes off saying your zone is boarding.

"AH! I'm boarding now!" You say while packing your things up and pulling out your boarding pass.

"I'll be waiting for you. Are you going to stay up on the plane or are you going to sleep?" Johnny asks.

You hand the lady your boarding pass. "I'm probably going to try to sleep since I'm tired and had to wake up early."

Johnny hums in understanding. "True since it's nearly impossible for you to wake up in the morning." He laughs again at you since he's the one who sometimes has to wake you up when you ignore your alarm.

"Yah you meanie! That's only been a few times! You better be happy, I don't wake up early for just anyone." You pout as you walk to your seat on the plane.

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