Part one- Billie

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*Y/n point of view*

"Hi what can I get you today?" I asked to the blue haired girl across from me. I work at Starbucks. Another day of sorrowful dread. She look as if she saw a ghost but she's, smiling? Ok..? "Uh miss? What can I get you?" She snaps out of it. "Oh uh sorry. Um could I get a Venti Mango Dragon fruit please? Oh yeah and with lemonade too." She smiles. "Ok. And is that all?" "Uhh yeah." You smile back and say, "Ok your drink will be over at the counter over there. Oh and your name?" "Billie" She smiles and walks over to the counter. Her beautiful eyes and perfect hair. I couldn't help but stare at her. "Um excuse me? Hello? Im not gonna be running late because of your day dreaming young lady." Your face turns bright red when you see the whole line was staring at you because of how loud she was. "Oh uh, I'm so sorry. Um what can I get you?" She scoffs. "Well as I was trying to say before, I would like a Caramel ribbon crunch with no whipped cream and make it the largest you have." "The largest we have is a venti is that ok?" I ask. "Yeah yeah whatever just get my drink and I'll be on my way." She whispers something to herself and walks over to the counter to get her drink. You couldn't understand what she had said so you decided to find out. You asked your best friend, Cleo if you could bring the drinks over there this time. She agrees to it but only because you're her bestfriend. You bring Billie's and that lady's drink to the counter. You call out, "Billie and um I didn't get a name for this one but for that lady who was talking to me earlier." You see Billie and her face lights up. She walks over to the counter and you both smile at each other. But before she could get there that lady had pushed her way through Billie to get to you first. "It's mine." She was about to grab the drink but you say, "oh and you whispered something earlier, what was it?" She looks at you confused and then remembers, "oh well if you must know, I said, teenagers like you end up being poor or crackheads." She spat. You looked at her with such a nasty look and then you saw Billie watching the whole thing which made you smirk. "Well I'm sorry ma'am. I'm sorry that you are rude, selfish and disrespectful to "teenagers like me" that have to wake up at 7:30 to be at work by 8:00. Billie jumps in to the conversation, "Yeah and you don't know what she's dealing with lady. I mean you're probably too worried about that man in the corner over there to notice anyways." The lady was now embarrassed red as a tomato. She screamed, "I could get you fired for this. This is assault and very disrespectful to an elder!" She grabbed the drink and threw it in your face. This made you furious. The whole cafe now looking at you three. You jump over the counter to swing at her but Billie puts her arm over you and says, "I got this mama." You blush at the nick-name she gave you. Billie starts going back and forth with the lady and you just watch it, smirking. Your asshole of a manager comes out screaming, "what the hell is going on here?!" You turn around quickly and explain the situation. "Y/n you are fired!" The lady now out of the cafe by now, Billie by your side. Billie says, "Hey! You can't do that! She's not the one who's wrong here. It was that lady! She's the one who threw coffee at her and she didn't do anything back to her." She yells. Your manager now furious not amused. "Well guess what sweetheart, I just did." You start to cry at the thought that if you get fired you'll have no job, no money and you'll be low on rent. Your mother kicked you out because she found out you were gay and she's a major homophobe. Billie comforting you rubbing your back as you both walk out of Starbucks but this time leaving your uniform behind.

Heyyyyy 💕💕 thank you for reading this and I hope y'all enjoyed. Leave comments for recommendations and I'll update later or tmrw ❤️
Love, A/n.

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