Where it all Began

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   The local afternoon news broadcast had just aired off with a beautiful weather report; the sun was shining bright, the sky was clear and blue. It was a hot summer day in the kingdom of WhiteGirlWorld, and all throughout the city everybody was having fun.

   WhiteGirlWorld is truly a magical place (literally and metaphorically,) filled with some of the nicest nightclubs, fine restaurants and tourist attractions, as well as some of the best shops and even a big white sand beach with clear blue water. Lavish mansions, lush penthouses, and even grand castles have been constructed for the present royalty and higher-ups. This kingdom even has legalized marijuana!
Despite the land being such a marvelous and rather busy place, it is simply home to one crew of friends ... the Hoest Squad, WhiteGirlWorld's humble leaders.

And it all started at the McDonalds.

   "Look," said Sage, "I just don't think we should have a demonic Hall of Sacrificing Fuckboys, not right next to Burger King." he paused for a second and shrugged. "That just feels...wrong. Shouldn't that like, not be public?"

"Well it's been there for years," Mj replied, "Plus it's gotta by the palace of shame. They sort of go together."

Pleb hit her blunt. "One is for shaming people we hate like a museum and partying on the roof," she said as the danky smoke came out, "the other is for sending fuckboys to God only knows where that portal goes to."

Mj sipped on the last bit of her milkshake. "Damnit, now I'm at the part of the whipped cream where I have to suck it out."

"Well let's go, Kayla's waiting for us over at Cheesy Chuck's." said Sage as he got up with the trays.
Sage, Mj and Pleb thought they were about to leave until out of nowhere, the McDonalds door violently swings open.

     And there stood Blitz and Icy, screaming in pain and unable to even stand still.
"Help us!" Blitz let out a shriek of pure horror. "We gotta go to the got damn hospital!"

Pleb froze with a rather sarcastic face. "No nononono pause. Are those... lobsters..?" she asked in disappointment, "dangling off of your clothes?"

Icy tugged at one of the lobsters, but the lobster had a tighter pinch. These lobsters were strange, they were red but they had beards and appeared to wear white talibans.
"Yes! Help!" He cried, "We were fishing and our boats were attacked by a swarm of these bastards!"

Blitz got one off of his sleeve and chucked it at the window of McDonalds, completely shattering it. "The beach is infested with these things and we don't know where the fuck they came from!"

Pleb couldn't help herself and laughed. "Those are exotic iraq lobsters, obviously from iraq."

"Woah does that mean they're fucking explosive?" Asked Mj, staring contently at one of the lobsters, as if it were about to blow up any second.

"No," Pleb replied, "but they do like to dance to certain songs, and buttersauce is apparently harmful for them."

"We could put them in the zoo." Mj suggested.

   But, the idea was cut short soon enough in a matter of minutes. Icy and Blitz were both chucking lobsters all across the McDonalds in every direction. The restaurant suffered holes in the wall, a broken ice cream machine, and shattered windows.

"None of us," Mj said, "can afford any of those fucking repairs. We gotta skrt skrt on outta here."

"R-tards." Pleb muttered under her breath, taking a puff on her danky fat blunt and blowing her magical magenta smoke into thin air.

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