We Get Sent to a school called Pigfarts

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Annabeth POV

We were in the Poseidon cabin, Percy was doodling on his bed. I was reading on the floor near the bed. The door suddenly opened and Hazel comes inside.

"Hey guys, Chiron wants us at the big  house."

I was a little confused, but also nervous.  I mean it couldn't possibly be another quest, I mean we just got out of the giant war.

"We should probably hurry, he said it's important."

Percy finally looked up and said, "It's not another quest is it?"

I replied with, "I hope it's not, but with out luck it probably is, hopefully it's easy though."

We ran up to the Big House and met Chiron in the rec room. 

"Hey so what do you want?"

Then Hecate appeared. Okay, this was definitly a quest, and a pretty important one too. I mean the gods never appear just to tell us about quests.

I hadn't seen who else was in the room yet.  There was Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Leo, Rebecca, and Percy and I. Chiron was in his wheelchair.

After Hecate appeared we all stopped what we were doing and bowed.

"No need to bow on this occasion heros."

Percy spoke up and said, "With all do respect Lady Hecate why did you gather us here?"

He could be such a seaweed brain sometimes.

"That is a valid question. Now I called all of you here for a quest."

All of us visibly groaned.

Leo said, " My Lady, we just got back from a huge quest and you expect us to go on another one?"

Percy mumbled, "Welcome to my world."

I shot him a glance.

"Hecate what is this quest?"

"Have you ever heard of wizards?"

"You mean with the pointy hats?"

"No firebutt, they are a group of mortals that Hecate blessed long ago, they grew into their own society and forgot their past.  However Hecate still blesses some mortals who show potential that they call muggleborns, but they are disliked among the wizards."

"Very impressive Annabeth."

"Thank you."

"But what do they have to do with us if they forgot their roots?"

"Very good question Rebecca, the wizards have just come out of a war with a dark wizard, and are weak.  I would like to send you to one of the schools in Europe, to keep an eye on them and make sure they are okay, as that school was hit the hardest.  Keep and eye on one student in particular, his name is Harry Potter.  He has a scar shaped like lightning on his forehead. He may be suspicious of you at first but you must earn his trust. And most importantly unless we tell you so, DO NOT blow your cover. Oh right I didn't mention, you'll be undercover as wizards.  Do you understand?"

"I think so."

Piper asked," So what's the school named?"


We all fell to the floor laughing, leo kept wheezing and saying,


We laughed for a solid 5 minutes, Percy and Leo were the last to get up.

"Oh, here are your wands, they will do any spell you need, and you might see some familiar faces there."

I was confused at that last statement, what could she possibly mean?

A/N- please comment what you think, and how you like it, no flames. I am currently working on the second chapter and it will be up soon. Have an amazing day!

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