Chapter 3, the Capitol

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I sit down in a small, red couch next to a big window. We have only been traveling for an hour, but I am already tired. I want to lay down and sleep, but when I'm about to put my head back, Cheval comes into the room with two men beside her. "Where is Jannah and Xaiver?" she asks. "I'm not sure, in their room I think," I say and shrug. "I can go get them if you want to." I dont wait for an answer, I just get up and leave the room. I walk through the train until I get to Xaiver and Jannahs room. They share a room, Jannah didn't want to sleep alone. I knock on the door and open it carefully. "Cheval is looking for you," I say and smile. Xaiver is laying on the bed, snoring, and Jannah sit in a chair with a book in her hands. "What does she want?" she asks. "I am not sure, she came in with two men, and I ran out of there as fast as I could. I think she wanted to talk to us," I answer. "Jannah, are you okay?" "How can anyone be okay now? Well, except from the citizens of the Capitol, they are pretty exited about us killing each other." She stands up. "Guess we have to go. Xaiver?" She walks over to him and try to wake him up. "Xaiver? Chaval wants to talk to us." He rubs his eyes, sighs and stands up. I turn around and walk back to Cheval and the two men. They've sat down in the couch and is now chewing on a muffin each. I walk over and sit down in the chair and look straight at them. "Who are you?" I ask. "We are going to be your mentores this year. My name is Yante Garely and this is Airon Wellish," the oldest man says and points to the younger man. "I am from district eight and Airon is from district four." That explains why Airon is so tan. He is also kind of cute. Well, if you like thirty year old men of course. "We have a lot of knowledge about the hunger games, and we have been chosen to mentore the tributes from district seven. You will get more information about the new games when we arrive the Capitol," he says and looks at us. "We will eat dinner in thirty minutes, be ready in the dining room by then," Cheval commands. I nod and walk back to my room where I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I am still really tired, and all I want to do is sleep. Maybe just for five minutes, I think and relax. "Genevive!?" I hear someone shout and I instantly get up. Cheval is standing in the door with her arms crossed. "I told you to be ready in half an hour. It's been one hour and we already ate," she says and scowl at me. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep. I'll go eat now," I answer and get out of my way too comfortable bed. "Oh no, if you are not there when the food is served, you don't get any food at all," she snaps and leaves my room. Fine. I'll just starve to death. Better than joining the Games. I lay back down and close my eyes. This time it is not as easy to fall asleep; I keep thinking about when the games begin. What will the arena look like? Who are the other tributes? Are they good? Will I be able to kill anyone? No, I don't think so. I'll problably die the first day. I laid like that for a few hours, but the thoughts scared me too much and there is no way I'll be able to go back to sleep, therefore I get up and walk trough the train. When I get to the living room, I see Xaiver sitting in the couch. The TV is on and they are currently showing the reaping from district 3. "Can I join you?" I ask and sit down when he nods. "Want to watch the reaping from the other districts?" He says, picks up the remote and rewinds. Not really. I don't say it out loud, I just watch the reaping from district 1. The girl was tall and skinny, with long, blonde hair. She had a tough look on her face, almost as if she was looking forward to the games. The boy's hair was one shade darker, he was short and looked really frightened. The third tribute, a tall boy with blond hair, was more like the girl. The scene changes and we see the reaping from district two. They are all over 14. In district 3, the Chosen is a 10 year old girl. The male tribute from district 4 is an 18 year old boy. He has short, black hair and shining, blue eyes. He was standig completly still, looking straight forward, just like Xaiver did when he was reaped. He is tall and muscular, and his eyes makes him look really scary; you can't read them, so it is almost like you don't know if he will eat your head off or hug you. Wow, he is handsome. The scene changes again and we see the reaping from district 5 and 6, then from 7. I hear my name beeing called out, me walking up to the stage, crying. And then Xaiver is chosen, and finally his sister. Xaive clenches his fists so hard that his knuckles turnes white. I feel sorry for him. Who would want to go to the games with their own sibling? I mean, no one would want to go to the games in the first place, but when you have to, it might as well have been with 29 strangers. I don't know what I would do if Mila was reaped with me. The reaping from district 8 is shown, and here, same as in district 3, a 10 year old girl was the Chosen tribute. What is wrong with them? Why do they choose young kids to be reaped and killed in the games? The girl from district 9 has got long, red hair, I think she is the only redheaded girl reaped, and she is really tall. The female and male from district 10 has got an unusual look; small eyes and black hair. The host for the games; Faley Oman, a woman with short, purple hair, appears on the screen. "That was all tributes for the first hunger games! Oh, aren't you just so exited for this?" She asks and smiles way too much. "I know I am! The tributes are all on their way to us here in Capitol. They will arrive tomorrow, and we will have the first interview with them in a week, so you have a lot to look forward to!" she finishes with another big smile, and then the replay stops. I look at the clock at the wall. It is 03:45 am, I should seriously get to bed. I think we'll be in Capitol at 2pm tomorrow. I look at Xaiver, who is still staring at the black screen. "How are you?" I ask. I don't really realize how stupid the question is until after I asked it. "You mean except from the fact that we are days away from dying? And that I can't save both my sister and myself, and if I don't make it, she won't be able to live by herself. Same for me, if she dies, I can't live knowing I could have saved her. So I don't know how I am. Broken maybe," he says, with his eyes locked at the TV. I stand up and walk over to him. I see a tear rolling down his cheek, and lay my hand on his shoulder. Then I turn around and walk back to my room. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but I sleep through the night dreaming about the little girls from district 8 and 3. 

I wake up the next morning when a maid is standing over me. She shakes my shoulders and smiles when I open my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask. She points at her wrist and leaves the room. It is time. I sigh again, roll over to my side and try to fall asleep. I flinch when I hear Chevals screech from behind the door. "Are you not up yet?! We're in Capitol in ten minutes, you have to get dressed!" She groans annoyed and stomps out of my room. I get out of the bed and see a set of clothes lying on a chair. I am not wearing my mothers dress anymore, I wonder who took it off of me. I put on the clothes; it is a blue shirt and black pants that is perfect fitted for me. I put my hair up in a ponytale and heads towards the livingroom. When the door opens, I see that everyone is already gathered there; Airon and Yante is sitting in the couch, Xaiver and Jannah sit in a chair and Cheval is standing in the middle of the floor. Everyone stares at me. "You almost missed it," Cheval says and points at the window. "We are here." I look at where she is pointing, and outside is the most breathtaking city I have ever seen. We are in the Capitol. 


So that was a long chapter, 1600 words! Longest one yet. Hope you guys liked it! Well, I hope someone is actually reading this. I've got no comments, but I hope someone will tell me what

you think about my story so far! I am going to post the cast for all of the tributes in a minute, so check it out when it is published. And by the way, who do you think should play Faley Oman? I'm thinking about Kelly Osbourne.

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