Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Legolas' jaw hurt.

He rubbed it between rowing the small canoe. Why did it hurt? He couldn't stop clenching his teeth together after witnessing the little moment between Vaeri in Haldir beside the river. Galadriel had been graciously giving him the Bow of the Galadhrim when he caught sight of the two. Haldir was overstepping some line in his Legolas' mind and he almost made to move when Galadriel stopped him.

"Let them be." She said, a small smile on her knowing face and moved on.

Legolas obeyed and stayed. He watched Vaeri, her face, her colourful cheeks, and also how she held back the tears that were threatening to fall. Legolas' aggression abated for a moment. She was leaving the first place that she had come to know in this 'new to her' world. Haldir and Vaeri had become close, he knew that. What he didn't know was how close. Legolas knew that his irritation was not directed at Haldir alone, but also at himself for not understanding the feelings inside himself. Vaeri had become an all consuming thought and presence in his head. She was a light, a beacon that which, when she was in his presence made him feel so lighthearted and happy. He was just too stubborn to acknowledge the deeper feelings that went along with it.

"Legolas," Vaeri said, she was sitting in the middle of the canoe with Gimli upfront. "Is something the matter? You've had that scowl for a while now? Is it the rowing, because if it is I can take over for a while."

"No," He replied too quickly. "I was just watching the shoreline." He sighed. He didn't want Vaeri to get on the wrong side of his silly mood.

"If you say so." Vaeri said with a small shrug and turned to face forward once again. Gimli and Vaeri then exchanged stories and Vaeri told him stories of her world.

"Metal that can fly?" Gimli guffawed, slapping his knee. "Now that is a tall tale lassie."

"No it's true." A sparkle in her eye from watching the silly dwarf. "Planes are long with stationary wings that seat hundreds of people inside it and carry them across land and sea." Vaeri said extending her arms as though trying to appear like a plane.

"And you've been on one of these?" Legolas added, with a hint of horror in his voice. Vaeri turned to him.

Vaeri giggled lightly. "Yes, I went on a trip to Hawaii with my family. It was amazing to be up so high. Seeing the clouds go by and the endless ocean that expanded to the horizon." Her eyes looked off into the distance as she recalled the fond memory.

"Hawewe? What is the strangely named place?" Gimli said.

"Ha-wai-i," Vaeri said slowly. "Is an island in the middle of the ocean."

"Why not take a boat? Seems much safer than flying in the air in a metal box." Legolas grumbled, he imagined Vaeri in what he thought was a plane and it made him tense. It would seemed she was reckless in her old world.

"Not at all. Flying is actually one of the more safer modes of transportation." She added. This conversation went on for a while before they had a break to eat some Lembas bread. Her hunger was instantly abated and she relaxed in her seat on the canoe.

"Lassie," Gimli said after swiping some of the stray crumbs for his beard. He really was a messy eater. "The marchwarden, Haldir if I recall. I think he fancies ya."

The canoe rocked suddenly. The other two turned to looked at the elf. "Sorry, stray log." Legolas said. Gimli just huffed.

Legolas was shocked at the bold statement from the dwarf. He looked down to Vaeri to try and gauge her thoughts. She was fidgeting with her fingers and looking out at the water. Was she nervous? Why would she be? Too many thoughts whirled around his mind until he thought of one that gave him a shiver down his spine. Did she like Haldir?

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