C9- Rehearsals

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Kirstie POV
I woke up with misery and hopelessness. I just wanted to drown in my dreams but I knew it wouldn't last long enough.

I went down and walked to the kitchen.

I saw Scott cooking breakfast. I curled up in a ball on the couch, while waiting for Scott to finish.

Once we started eating, the whole room was filled with awkward silence until Scott spoke up, "Uhh, Kirst... We have, um, Rehearsals l-later." He hesitantly told me.

I sighed knowing that I'll be seeing Matt again but sad because of the fact that Scott will stick right by my side, whatever happens.

"I-it's fine, I'll just tell Dre." He paused then looked at me with hope. He looked down again and continued, "I'll just get myself ready then." He sadly said.


He looked back at me and I walked towards him.

"I'll come." I whisper and he suddenly hugged me. I hugged back and soon enough, we broke apart and went upstairs to get ready.

Once we were done, I walked down the stairs and expected that Scott would be already sitting on the couch.

Then as I was still walking on the stairs, the door opened to reveal Scott, coming inside. "Well, someone's overdressed," I chuckled.

You want to know why I said that? It was because Scott was wearing pants to rehearsals and knowing Scott, he would rarely be seen wearing pants. Especially during rehearsals.

Wonder where he's going, guess I'll just go home by myself later.

"Um, hello?" Scott said as I cleared my mind off. "You okay?" He asked again. "Uhh, yeah.. ju- yeah" I stuttered and he looked at me suspiciously.

He then changed his facial expression to a normal one asked me once more, "Are you ready to go?"

"I was born ready." I answered with confidence.

We then got out of the house and into the car. I looked at my watch and found out we were 10 minutes late and we will probably be more late because of traffic.

"Scott, we're super late!" I exclaimed. He calmed me down and explained, "Don't worry, they'll understand." "Except for that Matt guy." I scoffed under my breath.

"I'll protect you sweetie, I promise." He said lovingly.

I blushed at his caring words and lowered my head so that he won't see my flushed face.

"O-okay.. th-thanks." I stuttered and scratched my neck. He chuckled and started driving to the studio.

When we arrived, I saw the demon sitting comfortably on the couch with his eyes glued on his phone. I angrily sat down on a chair in front of him, but on the other side of the room. Scott followed close and sat beside me.

I suddenly had a bright idea...

I rested my head on Scott's shoulder and held his hand while I closed my eyes. I stayed liked that for about a minute and then leaned towards his ear to whisper sweet nothings to him, making him blush rapidly.

He was definitely as red as a tomato. As I was doing that, I sneaked glances on Matt, who was boiling with anger and jealousy.

Of course I still had feelings for Matt, but I just felt something for Scott that I didn't realise I had, until now. And it is growing each and every time I'm with him.

Scott POV
Kirstie has been whispering sweet nothings to me and Yes, I know she's just making Matt jealous but I still can't help but blush.

I still don't know why. We still acted like a cute couple hanging out with nothing in their minds, like the ones you see in parks, then suddenly our daydream came to an end.

Matt started walking straight towards us. He stomped his feet until he reached us or, I believe, to Kirstie, but before Matt could even reach her, I stopped him, "Hey bro, how are you?"

He ignored me and kept on walking towards her. Now I'm mad. I stood right in front of Kirstie, Matt gave me a glare. "What are trying to do?!" He angrily questioned me.

He tried to push me away but he wasn't strong enough. He was about to punch me in the face before I stopped his fist.

And before neither of us could even say anything, the whole crew came in and Matt sat back on the couch, acting like nothing had happened though the anger was still present in his eyes.

Kirstie was frozen and was utterly shocked.


HEY BEAUTIES!! Here's another chap and I am sorry if it's too short. I'll try to make it longer next time. Any who, BYE GUYS ILY SOO MUCH!!❤

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