Alike Child

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I dont know what i was thinking but i just did what i had to do to makw them safe here cause bitches be trying to get me to fuck them and be more than their boss. I knew Aly was shocked and kinda embarassed but i found fun in making her uncomfortable😂.

She was currently playing with a very noisy Adilyn, not sure why she was so happy. I personally think this baby understands alot, cause she be giving my assistant evil eyes like my nigga???.

It was my lunch time and i am sure Aly was hungry cause she only ate an apple this morning. I thought of bringing them out but i decided against it cause i wouldnt want Adilyn to be out so long and wear out Aly.

I called my assistant and made an order for 2 chicken salads, 2 waters for me and Aly then i made Aly feed Adilyn and  soon she was rubbing her eyes sleepily. I knew how to get her to sleep, but then the food came and she was wide awake ....what is wrong with this child she was like Aly and ahe was gonna be fat asf yowwwww😣 if she dont stop eating.

As Aly got her salad Adilyn started to stretch for a piece of chicken...she cant even chew yet!!!

Aly looked at me and i slowly looked  down eating...i was not getting in that i got too much cussing it is her time. Then Aly gave her a small piece of the fleash and Adilyn started to slowly TRY to eat...poor child.

Aly just smiled at me and i just roll my eyes and began to get back to work cause i have a major project working on.

Aly started to walk around the office and hold a now sleeping Adilyn. Now she decides to sleep. Aly slowing placed the baby into my arms and ran to the bathroom in my office. I was there holding the little rascal and just started to look at her features. She honestly looked like Aly: medium brown eyes, little plump lips and her hair was a bit natural but super curly just like Aly and she had her attitude but the only thing is that she doesnt have her nose. That was weird but okk... just then Aly picked her up and turned away from me then went back to sit down and read a magazine.

I need to ask her about that. I find it weird now that a sleeping baby just appeared out of now where when she was there and she looked extra sad until i said she could live with Adilyn looked extra happy with her like a .........mother and daughter bond. WAIT...could it be....nooooo never but maybe. Im soo stressed but they had alike features.

We were gonna have a serious convo when we get home.


Hey hoesssssss

Is Adilyn her daughter orrrr??????......


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