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Night had finally taken over as the street lamps flickered off and on.

Louis sat quietly on the porch awaiting the arrival of his sister, soon he slightly glanced at his phone to check the time '9:30' it read

The boy stood up finally and brushed off his pants before beginning to walk down the driveway. "Where are you going?" a voice questioned as the front door creaked open.

with a turn of his heel he made eye contact with his blond haired aunt who stood seeming slightly annoyed "and where's your sister?" she added shifting her hand to her hip

"Well yeah see that's why I was walking off, Liz hasn't come back yet" the black haired boy responded.

"God dam-" Lily began to bark but stopped as Louis raised a brow at her "Forgive my language but where the heck is your sister" she sighed 

taking a second to think Louis finally answered "Last time I saw her she was at the park taking a nap again"

Lily let out a irritated sigh while lightly rubbing her temples.

"Ok, i'm going to get changed to and find your sister, while you get in here and sit down" she instructed before walking inside.

Louis began walking back towards the house but stopped turning back towards the street "Something feels off..". The boy looked towards the house once more before changing direction and bolting down the road "Sorry aunt Lily but I cant be the slow one this time!" he thought 

Louis keep running until he reached a black and mint green house, taking some time to collect himself he moved around to a window that sat ground level and knocked on it 4 times "Hurry hurry" he chattered while tapping his foot impatiently.

The window finally opened revealing a sleepy eyed Clynn. " Its past 8, family visiting hours are over....what do you want Louis?..." the groggy teen questioned while giving out a light yawn

"Well it all start after I got home, I was like 'hey! maybe I should wait for Liz' so I did for a couple of minute ok maybe a hour but anyways" the boy began to ramble on.

Clynn slowly squinted before reaching out the window, pinched her blabbering cousin's lips together and let out a deep sigh/yawn "You lost Lizzie again didn't you?" 

He nodded.

She released him then proceeded to close the window slightly "I'll be out in five minutes" she muttered

"right i'll be here I guess" he awkwardly replied beginning to look around.

"Oh and Dia's coming" the brown haired girl added before closing the window fully

"oh alrigh-WHAT?!" he began to shout but covered his mouth not wanting to wake his aunt and uncle 

Louis stood there slightly flustered but kept his some what cool until five minutes had passed, with a slight creaking sound that filled the silent night causing the boy to brush himself off.  

Clynn was the first to step out wearing a black hoodie, shorts, and a pair of sneakers. Next exited Diamond who was dressed in a grey jacket, red shirt, midnight blue jogging pants and closed toe saddles.

While Louis had gather his three man party for a rescue mission the person that needed it was handling the situation very interestingly.

Lizzie sat in the back of vehicle tied up, she look at the rear view mirror to try and get a better look at her capture but the darkness of night was to dense so.

"so...umm why am I here-" 

"Shut up brat"  

Lizzie took into account here situation and didn't say anything until they parked at a gas station

the person driving stepped out to and walking inside

With a slight sigh the white haired pre-teen wiggle violently until the binds around her began to loosen and slipped off  "their good at capturing but not keeping someone captured....heh" she muttered quietly  while scanning the vehicle " whoever they are they must not be use to having kids in there car" liz smirked grabbing the manual transmission and pulling it back on to reverse "now I just need, ah hah" she reach up by the rear view mirror to snatched a pair of sunglasses and began to jam it into the manual transmission.

"That should do it" she smiled peacefully before unlocking the car doors and stumbling out.

Now free of her restraints the young loud took some time to analyze her new found surroundings "I have no clue where I am"  she thought while exhaling deeply.

After giving another glance around she noticed a thick set of trees across the road, swiftly she made her way to them then through them finally finding herself in a strange clearing, no trees but rocks every where "Hmm" she slightly hummed as she walking being care not to fall.

The night air picked up speed for a moment making her shiver slightly " Man, I'm lost, cold and alone, this is a drag..." she groaned looking up into the sky "This really is a drag!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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