a new enemy has arrived

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lincoln got mad for what ronnie annie said to him he is not weak he is only trying not to hurt anyone lincoln run into the nearby forest he do not care if he is late for school he just run and run until he found a sign said be careful monsters is near he did not care he got closer and closer every time a sign was warning him that to get closer

he reached the end of the side and found a big cave when he got a closer look he saw a olog it have bruises in his arm legs and head lincoln was shocked to see something this horrible he got closer and the olog saw him he got scared at first because he looks like he wants to hurt him he thought but when lincoln got closer he asked what happened and the olog answered that his master did this to him

Lincoln: but what did you do to make him hurt you like this

Olog: we lost the war and he got mad and abused me he keeps saying it's my fault

when lincoln heard it he that mad and want to know who is the master of the olog of he asked but he didn't answer i keep saying it's a top-secret he cannot say or tell anyone or he will get killed

Lincoln: do not worry i will help you i will not allow anyone to hurt you you got me by your side and my men

Olog: really?

Lincoln: yes we got your back

the olog of thanks lincoln's for trying help but he thinks again he do not know if lincoln will do the same thing the old master did to him he was scared at first but then another olog it's one of lincoln's men showed up
his name is din

Din: my lord who is the olog it's my first time seeing him is he one of us or one of the enemies

he did not notice the wound of the other olog lincoln told him his wounded he needs help

Lincoln: get the others he is wounded i do not know when or will he die so get the others and tell them get the first aid kit and help him

he followed lincoln's command when he got there he told everything and then they got to the olog they saw him wounded and they all were shocked so many blood is pouring everywhere

Lincoln: help him now and stop the bleeding we might need his help for the future fight so heal him

They did what lincoln told them it's been an hour the olog of is fully recovered

Olog: thank you very much for everything

Lincoln: it's no problem so want to join me and my men?

Olog: sure

Lincoln: follow me you are one of us now that means we help each other

school already started lincoln miss few of his classes it's pe the teacher is already there

Teacher: lincoln why are you late

Lincoln: overslept

Teacher: ok then you already miss few of your classes so follow me today is dodgeball

lincoln sigh and said ok

let's keep it to lunch nothing happened in ae just boring old dodging and throwing

the four girls is looking for lincoln the four is haiku Polly giggles and tabby

Tabby: has any of you saw lincoln i did not see him today

then an explosion happened outside the school old of the student got outside and so it's an attack by uruk-hai and olog hai the students that believe in bad luck looked at lincoln and said

Student 1: see lincoln i told you you're bad luck we are under attack what now

Student 2: yeah lincoln i told you do not come you're the school and now we are under attack by some monsters

some students agree and some did not agree

Lincoln: hey i'm not bad luck i only pretend to be bad luck so i can have some alone time

the other did not listen to him and keep calling him bad luck but the other students stop them

Friendly student 1: hey he is not bad luck stop calling him that

BS for bad student FL friendly student

BS 1: yes he is look what is happening to our school

FL 1: this is just a coincidence this is not lincoln's fault

the friendly student and bad student fought

Lincoln: stop none of this is my fault thanks for the others that agreed to me that i'm not bad luck but you you are fools a believe and bad luck

then lincoln run into his class through and grab he's stuff and the others was confused what is linking doing

Then Lincoln come out with a bunch of weapons  gave them to chandler because he knew sandler is stop not scare of them that what he thought when think can get closer to chandler his or her trembling with fear

Lincoln: chandler are you scared of them do not be scared there are just weak and pathetic do you really think they can hurt you i saw many of them died just because they can not eat for 1 hour or drink

lincoln was obviously lying so chandler stand up and fight but chander is still scared of them and did not stand up chandler are you really lincoln stared at chandler with disappointed look

then the royal woods military showed up and killed every single uruk hai and olog hai

the commander told the school to evacuate the area they just did what the commanded told them thinking this not scared but the others are they all looked at lincoln with confused face they thought how lincoln is not scared of the situation many may because of this

Lincoln: i'm going to the other way because i know my daughter is i do not want to risk losing her even if i die i just want to know that she is safe

they all agreed students and teachers got to the other side while lincoln is still running through the forest searching his house he cannot find it anywhere he thought maybe his house was destroyed when he found this house it's not broken or anything he found his men holding thought and told them

Lincoln: everyone right there is a war between the men and uruk hai and olog hai

Dugz: i think the dark lord is here or maybe just sent his way to retrieve the the others is me and the 2 right behind me

then they heard a noise when he can turn around and saw it it was the one who commanded the it's the one and revealed himself

Zin: well and hello there with human i'm zin in the fire of hell

lincoln then walk up to him and put his hand on his head  and both of their eyes started to glow orange and then he said

Zin: i will serve you

Lincoln: cancel your plan of attack in this place and never return only you and your many will be called when i need you for war

Zin: yes my lord

then lincoln walked up to him and put his hand on zin head and said

Lincoln: you asked by bodyguard

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