Weang and Wanking - 2

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The little island had two major divides.

The first was the community that depended on the sea for their source of income. Part of them were fishermen, who went into the sea, caught what they could and sold them to the factory which processed seafood and exported. The remaining part worked in the factory preferring the manual labor to the arduous sea trips.

The second was the community that depended on coconut farming and export. Same as fishing there were two groups, one group farmed and other group worked in the factory that processed the coconuts and exported.

Close to the shore, the farmers and fishermen families lived. The center of the island had the schools and shops and the factories. The surrounding areas are occupied by the factory employees and other assorted public.

Xie was from the assorted public, his dad was a pilot who manned the plane for the coconut factory –Nuto. His mom was an elementary school teacher. He was also an only son to the couple, who decided that they couldn't handle more than one. But that had made Xie, who he was. He was always looking out to make friends. He often watched his friends with three or four siblings and got an ache in his heart, and that made him get more friends. 

Most of the boys in his grade were his friends. Few boys from other grades too. But it never satisfied him. He didn't even know why he kept trying to befriend everyone.

But Xie was happy with the outcome of his decision to give a ride to Weang. Xie knew him, he was in a different class and never stayed back to play after school like other boys. So Xie never got a chance to talk to him.

Not anymore. 

When they reached the school, the first bell went off.

"Thank you." Weang said with a slight smile. He was glad his shirt was longer. The urge to pump had reduced but he didn't want to stay here and give the other boy any reason to find out.

"You got it. Wait for me here after school. I'll give you a ride home." Xie grinned while parking the bike.

"Oh, I..no.. it's alright." Weang didn't know how to say no without sounding rude. But he couldn't repeat this. It's better if he walked alone like always. So that if it happened again he could hide somewhere and pump.

"No... no... see you later. Bye, Wei..." Xie took off, not giving Weang any opening to reject his offer.


"Can we walk? I like walking." Weang said with a small hope that Xie would agree to roll his bike and walk. In truth he didn't like walking that much. The bike ride had been really cool, if only not for his disease, he would prefer it.

Xie was more than happy to agree. Walking meant more time to talk and befriend Wei. "Sure. I like walking too." In truth he didn't. But that's how he made friends. Agree with the other person's interests and likes and dislikes, that's the secret to making friends. 

So both the boys started walking, even though they both disliked the activity, they were content with it. They walked along the side of the road, where the foot traffic was more and the going was slow.

"You're always alone. Why?" Xie asked curious to know how anyone could be alone in school.

"Donno." Wei shrugged. It's a sour subject and he didn't want to talk about it.

"Don't you have friends?" Xie continued, not satisfied with the reply.

"Some. My friends don't come to school, they go to the sea." Wie said. He was the only boy in the whole grade from his side of the town. It made him feel odd and out of place. He longed to go to the sea instead of school but both his parents were against it. They wanted a better life for him. Now Wei wondered if he had any life left, better or otherwise.

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