Chapter 4

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All characters belong to JKR

The Yule ball was only days away and Ron and Harry had found dates. Not the people they dreamed to ask but they better than no one. Harry asked Parvati Patil and Ron asked Padma Patil.
     Draco was sitting under a tree when of all people Pansy Parkinson sat down very closely beside him. "Hi Draco." She giggled "What do you want?" Draco sighed; she was not one of his favorite people. "Well the Yule Ball is coming up and I need a date." She smiled "Sounds like a you problem." Draco said. Pansy frowned "Do you have a date?" Pansy asked him. "Yes I do." Draco said annoyed "Who?" Pansy demanded. "You'll just have to wait and see." Pansy walked away frustrated, she was jealous and wanted to know who Draco had asked.
     Hermione wanted to talk to Draco, she had no idea why but whenever she was around him she felt happy; it was all weird to her. But she found Malfoy on her mind a lot. She needed to find him. So she went to go look for him, as she was looking she passed Pansy Parkinson. Pansy! She might know where Draco is! "Pansy!" Hermione yelled, Pansy turned around she was still upset. "Um do you know where Malfoy is?" Hermione asked "Why do you care, he doesn't want to see you! You filthy mudblood!" Pansy snapped. Hermione backed up she could tell she was angry.
Hermione went outside and there sat Draco Malfoy under a tree, he was reading. Hermione smiled and walked over there. She stood in front of him, he looked up and smirked "Hello Granger." Hermione smiled. Draco stood up and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "So um why are you here?" Draco said breaking the silence. Hermione's small smile faded "Um I don't know why but I just wanted to see you." Draco grinned and blushed. He got closer to her and pushed a hair out her face, he was about to kiss her. Hermione freaked out and backed away, Draco backed up too. It was now quite awkward and neither of them could find the right words to say. "Hermione I," Draco started, she was stunned did Draco Malfoy just call me by my first name? "I want to get to know you but I think we should wait till the ball so that we have something to talk about there and it's not awkward." Draco continued, Hermione nodded. Draco then kissed her on the cheek and ran off. Hermione blushed then smiled bigger than she had smiled in her whole life.
Hermione told Ginny everything. "I knew he fancied you!" She laughed "I think Pansy hates me now though." Hermione said "No she dislikes you now, wait till the ball!" Ginny said, Hermione had a worried look on her face "Won't worry about her 'Mione," Ginny smiled "Draco asked you not her." This made Hermione smile. Ginny was right, Draco asked her not Pansy. Plus what could Pansy even do? Oh if only she knew..

Sorry this is really short :/. It's not the best chapter, I've been forcing myself to write. But I hope you're enjoying this! :))

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