Chapter 6

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All characters belong to JKR and some lines in this chapter

Disclaimer: I know kissing in the Wizarding World is called "snogging" but I'm just going to say kissing.

The day of the Yule Ball/Christmas day.

Snow started to lightly fall on Christmas morning. Hermione was the first to wake up, she looked at all her presents. A new book from Harry, candy from Ron, and a scarf from Mrs. Weasley. She had a few presents from her parents as well. She headed to the great hall. Harry came in shortly with Ron "Happy Christmas!" Hermione smiled "Happy Christmas 'Mione!" They said. They were wearing sweaters Mrs. Weasley had made them.
Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys enjoyed the Christmas feast. After the feast the boys went outside to play in the snow. Ginny and Hermione went to the Gryffindor tower to make sure they had everything for the ball.
"Your dress is so pretty 'Mione!" Ginny smiled "So is yours!" Hermione grinned. Hermione's dress was periwinkle and had ruffles. Green and pink with a long shirt. Hermonie did Ginny's hair and makeup, she just did it simple. Ginny pulled Hermione's hair back and curled it. She gave her neutral makeup. Hermione slipped her dress on and looked in the mirror. "You look like a princess!" Ginny grinned. Hermione smiled I look pretty! She thought for the first time ever. "So do you!" Hermione hugged Ginny. It was almost time for the ball.

"It's time to go Hermione!" Ginny said "I'll be there in just a minute," Hermione called "you go on without me, Neville will be waiting." "Are you alright?" Ginny said "Yes I'm fine I just can't find my shoes!" Hermione laughed. Ginny laughed and left to go find Neville. Hermione found her shoes and took a deep breath. She was a bit nervous. She left the tower and headed to the ball.
Hermione finally got there and looked around for Malfoy. She finally saw him and waved shyly. She walked down the staircase, everyone was staring at her. Whispering, some speechless. "Is that Hermione Granger?" "Look at Hermione Granger!" She heard people say. Malfoy waited at the bottom of the stairs and took her hand when she got down them. Pansy Parkinson stared in awe. Blaise Zambini who was with Pansy gave Draco a small thumbs up, Draco smirked.
The triwizard people (sorry didn't know what word to use) danced first and then everyone else joined in. Draco and Hermione danced for the longest time. Hermione saw Ron and Harry sitting down. She then got worried about what they were thinking and Malfoy could tell she wasn't happy. "Hey lets get out of here!" He yelled, Hermione nodded. "We can go for a walk." He said "I need to grab my cloak first." Hermione said "Okay I need to get something too." Draco smiled. Draco kisses her hand and walked out of the ball.
     Hermione couldn't stop smiling and sat down beside Harry. "Draco and I are going for a walk!" She smiled, Harry and Ron we're silent. "What?" She said her smile fading. "It was Malfoy who asked you?!" Ron said. "Why does it matter?" Hermione shot back "It's Malfoy!" He said "He hates us!" Hermione's smile instantly turned into a frown. "Your fraternizing with the enemy." He said "The enemy?!" Hermione said, Hermione then left to go get her cloak. Ron followed her "He's using you," he said "You know the solution then don't you?" She yelled. "Go on," he said, Hermione felt tears in her eyes "Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me and not as a last resort!" She said about to cry. "Well I mean that's just completely off the point." Ron said, Harry then walked up "Where have you been!" Hermione yelled "Never mind off to bed both of you." Harry gave Ron a weird look and walked over to him. "They get scarier when they get older." Ron said a little too loudly. "Ron you spoiled everything!" She yelled at him.  Hermione sat down on the stairs and began to cry.
     Draco returned to the ball and saw Hermione crying. He ran to her and sat down beside her. "What's wrong?" Draco asked, Hermione just shook her head. "Who made you cry?" "My friends aren't always the nicest." She said wiping away her tears. Draco sneered "I'll get that Weasel." He said under his breath. "Come on lets get out of here." He stood up and took Hermione's hand.

     Draco and Hermione decided to go for a walk around the black lake. Snow was still lightly falling. "What's your favorite color?" Hermione asked him "Green," he laughed "Of course one of Slytherin's colors!" Hermione laughed "I liked periwinkle too." He smirked, Hermione rolled her eyes. They had asked each other many silly questions, trying to get to know each other. They were laughing when Hermione thought of a serious question to ask him "Draco," she said, he looked at her "why have you been so mean to me and my friends over the years?" She asked. Draco sighed "Well Potter and I have never gotten along and Weasel our parents don't get along but," he looked at Hermione "I've always fancied you." Hermione blushed "Then why did you call me a mudblood." "My father raised me to hate Muggle-borns since I was born so I tried to hate you by calling you a mudblood because I knew my father would never approve," he sighed "but I could never hate you." He then looked into Hermione's eyes and kissed her without hesitation. Hermione kissed him back, "I think I fancy you too." Hermione whispered, Draco smiled. They walked back to the castle "I'm terribly sorry I punched you last year." Hermione apologized "I wouldn't wanna be punched by anyone other than you." He grinned. Hermione just shook her head and laughed. 
     They got back to the school, "Goodnight Hermione." Draco kissed her hand "Goodnight." Hermione smiled. "Oh wait!" Draco said "I almost forgot!" He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box wrapped in red paper with a gold bow. "Happy Christmas Hermione." He said "Oh no!" She said "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything!" She frowned "That's alright," Draco said. Hermione opened the box it was a necklace, "Draco,"she  said quietly "it's beautiful." Draco smiled and took the necklace and put it on Hermione. Hermonie then kissed Draco and walked to the school.
     Hermione looked at the necklace again she replayed the whole night in her head (besides when Ron made her upset of course). Hermione then started to walk to the school but something caught her eye. It was Pansy Parkinson, she had her arms around Draco and then kissed him. Hermione's heart felt as if it had broke into a million pieces. She then started to cry and ran to the Gryffindor tower. She cried herself to sleep, wondering why Draco would do something like this to her. Was everything he said just a lie.

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