The talk about kuroko

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It was after they had the Inter high championship. The team had decided to go to kagami house to celebrate. Kuroko Testsuya went to the restroom to change. He never changed in front of anyone, the reason? Because he cuts. He doesnt cut on the arm because people notice that easier. He cuts on his back,legs and feet. This was it looks like he hurting from the training he coach gives him. He was happy he had fulfill he promise. Today marked the 11th anniversary of his parents death and he would usually cut himself but today was different. When he was done he caught up to his team. "Hey coach. Where Kuroko?" Ask his light Kagami. "He in the restroom changing again." She riko with clear annoyance in her voice. "Actually since he not here i want to tell you something regarding Kuroko." Riko said. "What is it?" Ask his captain Hyuga. "How do you feel about kuroko getting kick off the team?" She asked as she turned around walking backwards to see their reaction. "I say go ahead. He fulfill his promise. He pretty useless right now and in the future. He so weak a little kid could beat him in a game." 'Im know I'm weak. Im know I'm useless.' Kuroko thought. "Yeah, he did get better but in the future he going to hold us back. He thinks he so much better than us so he go to the restroom to not change with us." Furwata said. 'That not why i don't change with you.' He thought. "Hello." He finally spoke up. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!" They all screamed. "W-when did you get here?" Asked Riko. "Ive been here the while time. You know i already know I'm weak and useless. So if you want me to quit the team you could've just told me so." He said. Tears were coming up but the mask was still there. The mask he made so carefully for 11 years is breaking. "Alright, then please quit. We don't need you dragging us down." His former light said.

Kuroko p.o.v.
I only nodded. Silent tears falling down as i see my old team walk away from me. Flashback of middle school coming back to me. I shake my head. They don't deserve my tears. I walked to maji burger. I got a large milkshake which might be my last meal because i will probably kill myself. But i still had the GoM. 'Right. Right?' I thought. As on queue a rainbow group walked in.

Third person p.o.v.
"Why did you call us here Akashicchi?" Said the copycat, Kise. "I call you here because i wanted to tell you Kuroko Testsuya is no linger the 6th man. Kagami Taiga will take his place." "Finally we kicked out the weakling but does it really have to be kagami to replace him?" Asked ex light, Aomine. "Yes, Kuroko only won because of Kagamicchi." "Kuro-chin is so small and weak i could easily crush him." Said the titan, Murasakibara while eating his snacks. Midorima was quiet the whole time. Sure Aomine and Kuroko were best friends but out all of the GoM he trust Midorima and Satsuki the most. That means they knew he darkest secrets. "Shintarō what wrong?" This snapped him out of his daze. "Nothing. Are you sure about this?" He asked. "Yes." "Ok. Then i agree." Kuroko was heart broken everyone had agreed but then he heard a tap. *..,_..____._,.___.._...,.__.._....,_._____.._* (I don't agree with you.) He smiled. He understood the tap because he was the one who made it. After that he walked up to the GoM. "Hey Midorima. Do you know what day it is today?" Not acknowledging the others. "No i forgot. What day is it." He ask confuse. "I thought you would remember after all we visit them every April 11th." He said. Midorima started to shake. Midorima didn't care if the GoM was there, he didn't want to see kuroko cutting himself then visit. "How about we go straight there?" He ask in a low voice hoping the tealnette will agree. "Tch. Tch. You know there is something i do before we go you know that." He said. Now everyone was confuse, 'What are they talking about?' They all thought. "No! Youre not doing that! You just won the Inter high championship! I will drag you straight there against you will! And not give you a chance to do the horrid thing!!" He yelled. The whole restaurant stared at him. The GoM was shocked he wasn't the type to yell. *Sigh* "Fine but" He turns to the rest of the GoM. "Just so you know if you want me to leave tell me so, i will gladly do so. Right Shintarō?" Midorima hang his head down. "Y-yeah." He stutter. "Ok. We should get going Shintarō. We don't need to keep my parents waiting. With that the two left. "Did he just called midorima by his given name?" Asked aomine. "Hey guys!" They turned to see Momoi. "Do you know where Kuroko is? We need to meet his parents." The whole team lowed their heads. "Satsuki, he already left with Shintaro. Why do you need to meet his parents anyway?" Satsuki look down. 'Has he already'"cut himself?" She thought out loud. When she realized what she had said she try to leave. "W-well i have to go find him." She walked to the door. "STOP." She stop out of pear fear. "What do you mean by that?" Order Akashi. "Uummmmmmmmmmmmmm." She didn't want to answer. "Answer me satsuki." He said as if reading her mind. "Well you see-" She started but was cut off. "Oh there you are Satsuki." She turned around to see Kuroko. "Are you ok? Did you see you parents yet?" She said looking for new scars. Thankfully he didn't have any. "No. We didnt see my parents yet because I remember you have to come too. Yes im Fine Shintarō wouldnt let me do the "horrid thing" in his words." He said. "Im glad you listen." Then she whisper. "You only listen because he cared about you and you like him." Kuroko blushed. "S-shut up, S-Satsuki." He said trying to stop the heat raising. She giggled. The GoM was surpise for two reason. One he just showed emotion and two he said shut up! "We have to go we cant kept Shintarō waiting." He said trying to leave when he bumped into someone. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Oh its you." He looked up its his former light. "Weakling i know i shine but you don't need to look up at me for so long. You need to turn inthe resign letter tomorrow." "Yeah. I got it." He mumbled and walked out. "I got to go." Momoi said and followed after him. "What was that for bakagami?" Asked aomine. "Oh we had just kicked him out of the team after we walked n ahomine." The GoM was shocked. They had just to kicked him of the team. "We have to find Tetsuya." Akashi said. They all agreed except kagami who said "Why do i need to find him? He useless. He could die for all i care." Kagami then left after getting his burgers. "Lets follow then!" Yelled kise looking for the trio. Murasakibara being the titan he is spotted them. "Aka-chin there over there." He pointed to the right. They all went towards where the giant pointed. When they notice they were walking to a cemetery. 'Why are they here?' The GoM thought.

(Author note: New book!)

Word count:1271

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