Part 5-Caught you!

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3rd Person's POV

She smiled at him as she got out of the car , waving him a good bye she walked towards her grandma's house , stopping midway she knelt down and patted the dog in front of their gate ..

*honk honk*
The lawyer pressed the horn more than once before realising that she cannot hear , mentally face palming herself he thought of another idea, he wanted to her get inside as quick as possible.
Bringing his idea in action , he started blinking the headlights which caught her attention,she looked towards the car as she got on her feet.

The lawyer motioned her to get inside as she nodded and gave him an assuring look.she waved him goodbye again as she entered the house . Satisfied the she has gotten safely inside , the lawyer reversed the car and made a turn towards the next street.

Little did the lawyer know that the masked man was standing behind a tree observing everything from his own eyes

"What is going on between them?" The masked man gritted his teeth
"No! no! I wont let you take her!she is mine." He punched the tree that made his knuckles bleed.

He didn't come to hunt or kidnap her today , he just observed her from a far , he was waiting for the right time to get his hands on her.

But guess what??
Maybe it was his luck today , the door creaked open revealing y/n , as she stepped out of the house with a bowl in her hand

"Guess i am lucky today" he smiled to himself rolling up his sleeves.
She went towards the dog patted him and kept the bowl in front of him as she watched the dog eating lovingly .

He took careful steps towards her, it was her back so she couldn't really see him.. the leaves crackled beneath his feet as he walked towards her.

Ofcourse she couldn't hear so he was at advantage .

The lawyer was already 3 streets away when he noticed something on the passenger seat
"Oh she forgot her purse" he muttered to himself as he turned back the car

But as they say , when God takes away one sense , he makes the other senses stronger , her sense to feel was stronger and she had felt the strange presence behind her , moreover she could see , she saw the shadow of the man in front of her as the masked man approached her.
Fear ran down her spine as all hair on her body stood at their very ends , she got on her feet and mustering all the strength she could she started to walk even though her legs started to wobble

Too bad the dog's rope came in between and she ended up tripping, she shut her eyes in terror not wanting to see the person who was coming for her ..

The dog barked and barked but the neighbourhood was too asleep to listen.

The man smiled to himself , victory was his now

Taehyung's POV

Bringing the car to a halt at the alarming situation that displayed in front of me , i quickly got out of the car and made a run towards her.

The man turned around as he noticed me
"Stop right there or else-." I shouted at him as i shoved my hand in my pocket to take out my gun

What the hell!! Where did it go?? Did i forget it at home? What now

Seeing me in panic, He was quick to action , he pulled y/n up harshly as he pointed out a sharp knife on her neck

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Seeing me in panic, He was quick to action , he pulled y/n up harshly as he pointed out a sharp knife on her neck..

"One step closer and her throat gets ripped off" he threatened in his menacing voice making me stop dead in my tracks

Think taehyung think

"Listen to me" i tried to  calm him down but to no avail , he was already very frustrated.

Even though i couldn't make out his face but his eyes showed emotions, that of frustration and anger ..

I noticed how y/n's eyes were shut because of terror, i could tell how her legs wobbled because of the way she was standing , almost leaning against his body.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as her lips quivered , she sobbed yet silently

No i wont let anything happen to her

The dog continued to bark but there was no sign of help, if i make a call to anyone , he will not take time to slash her , what do i do?

Help God help!
I silently prayed and God heard , the main door opened revealing a familiar figure


My heart almost lifted up at his sight , he signed me to stay quiet as he took quiet steps towards the masked man, the man couldn't see max as he was facing me . Understanding Max's plan i continued to distract him and in a blink of an eye Max lunged towards him as he pushed y/n to other side and got a hold of him, i was quick to get by her side as i held her in my arms

"Are you ok?" I asked as she looked at me wide eyed and nodded "go inside" i ordered her as i helped her to her feet

"Sorry y/n" max mouthed in her direction as she thanked him.

She made her way inside while i made my way towards where Max and the masked man was

Max had him down , i was rapid to help max as i got by his side and held the masked man from his neck ..

"Who the hell are you?" I gritted my teeth as i ripped the mask off his face

"Who the hell are you?" I gritted my teeth as i ripped the mask off his face

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