Part 6-Another Masked Man?

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Taehyung's POV

"Who the hell are you?" I growled as i ripped off the mask off his face .

A gasp was heard right behind me as i turned my head to look at the source, Max stood there completely frozen as if he had seen his own death , his eyes seemed to fall out of his sockets any moment.

One thing: he had recognise him, Max knew the person

"Max?" I spoke but to no avail , he just stood there as if the soul has be driven out of his body and it was just his statue standing there.

"Max?" I said out louder but it seemed as if he had lost the ability to hear

"Max?" I called him again as i pulled his hand which made him look at me as he gulped , horrified expression still evident on his face

"Who is he?" I asked in curiosity

"Thats- thats-." Before he could complete anything , the sound of bells made us snap our heads towards the house , Y/n stood their rooted at her place as her hand flew to her chest, to say she was shocked would be an understatement , she was shaken up to bones , her face showed a petrified expression , scared .. yes she was scared , afraid , frightened by the person she has sighted .

I am sure all of the blood stained memories of the other day had returned to her , tears fell down her face as she continued to stare at him with terror - stricken eyes..

An whir world of emotions surrounded her , she was angry , terrified, broken, exhausted, grief stricken and what not , Ofcourse she had seen him kill her father right in front of her eyes .

And once again, she started to tremble , tremble out of fear and agony . I knew what was gonna happen next , Her eyelids started closing , as her hand went to her temple , her legs wobbled as she tried to get a hold of the door knob to stable herself , it seemed as if within a second the blood had been drained out of her body, she took one step back before crumpling like a puppet suddenly released of their wings .

"Y/n?!" We both said in unison
"Max hold him." I spoked as i went by her side and took her in my arms . Her body seemed cold .

This was definitely the person who had killed her father


My eyelids closed as i slapped my face to wake myself up, it was 3 am in the morning and i was at the hospital , y/n was still unconscious , the doctor said that she went into hypovolemia because of what had happened , but he said it was nothing t...

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My eyelids closed as i slapped my face to wake myself up, it was 3 am in the morning and i was at the hospital , y/n was still unconscious , the doctor said that she went into hypovolemia because of what had happened , but he said it was nothing to worry about and that she would be fine within few hours , they had administered some fluids and medicines into her , seemed like she hadn't been eating for past few days , Max had just left as the court had called him to fill in some papers , y/n grandma was here and had offered to stay for night but i had refused and has sent her home, ofcoruse the shock wasn't only to y/n , it had effected the others too and well because i wanted to stay with her .

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