The War

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After the exam, students got a week off from school.


Yuzu sighed and continued on thinking.

Mei snuggled at Yuzu.

Yuzu smiled and hugged Mei.


*time skip*

Yuzu and Mei went on a date when Yuzu saw two golden rings.

Yuzu spaced out a bit.

"Yuzu..?" Mei called out. "C-coming!" Yuzu said.

'Maybe I should get those...' Yuzu thought.

The two had a great time.

But Yuzu saw a guy dressed in black staring at them from afar.

*time skip (week passed)*

For the past couple of days, Mei noticed that Yuzu was acting a bit weird. Yuzu spaced out alot, looking around and stuff.

"Yuzu..are you feeling alright..?" Mei asked Yuzu. "Yup!" Yuzu said then looking away again.

Mei was a bit irritated and hold Yuzu's hand and gripped it a little too strong.

" are not telling the truth....tell me what's bothering you" Mei said in a stern voice sending chills to Yuzu.

Yuzu sighed and look Mei in the eyes, not showing any emotions.

Yuzu gripped Mei's hand softly.

"Mei....I think we are in trouble..." Yuzu said. "W-what? What do you mean?" Mei responded getting concerned. Yuzu sighed. "It's....nothing.." Yuzu said then got up form her seat to went to their bedroom.

Mei grabbed Yuzu by the wrist.

"Mei..?" Yuzu said looking at Mei. Mei hugged Yuzu's arm. "Let's go to sleep..." Mei whispered. Yuzu smiled and nodded.

The two went to the bedroom, laid in bed and snuggle with each other.


*big time skip (a couple months later)*

Yuzu and Mei was in the academy.

Suddenly, Yuzu and Mei heard an explosion and screaming.

Yuzu and Mei went outside and so are the other students.

Yuzu's eyes widen when she saw a couple of men dressed in black, armed with guns.

Yuzu got ready for her stance.

Yuzu was shocked when she saw...


Yuzu wasn't afraid.

"Well...well...well...if it isn't the good for nothing lackey" the boss said in a sinister grin. "What do you want? I am not coming back to you..." Yuzu said.

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