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*two years had passed*

Yuzu and Mei had already graduated.


Yuzu was wearing a white suit with a lime green bow and white pants also wearing white silk gloves.

Yuzu and the priest was waiting patiently.

Then the big door opened. Revealing the beautiful raven hair, Mei.

Mei was wearing a white dress with white roses on it, she wears a white bridal veils that was covering her face, her hair were braided beautifully, she also wears white silk gloves and holding a bouquet of yellow beautiful flowers.

Yuzu blushed at Mei.

'Wow...she looks so beautiful in that dress..' Yuzu thought and smiled warmly at her.

Mei blushed looking at Yuzu.

'Wow..she looks so cute..' Mei thought.

Mei's father was beside Mei, he was smiling warmly.

Mei slowly walked on the red carpet towards Yuzu with her father.

Himeko was smiling at Mei and so are the others. Harumin, Matsuri, Shiraho, Nene was there.

Mei walked up the wedding stage while her father went to his seat.

Yuzu was looking at Mei, smiling warmly, Mei did the same.

"*ahem* today we are brought here with Okogi Yuzuko and Aihara Mei,..." the priest continue to talk.

The priest talk about marriage and stuff.


"Okogi you take Aihara Mei as you lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest said.

Yuzu smiled. "I, Okogi Yuzu take you, Aihara Mei for my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part".

The priest turn his head to Mei.

"Aihara you take Okogi Yuzu as you lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest said to Mei.

Mei smiled softly. "...I, Aihara Mei take you, Okogi Yuzu for my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part".

The priest looked at Yuzu.

Yuzu nodded and went up to Mei. Yuzu lifted Mei's veil revealing her beautiful face.

Yuzu smiled softly.

Yuzu picked up the ring from the small table. "I take this ring as my sign of my love and faithfulness" Yuzu said.

Yuzu held Mei's left hand and insert the ring to one of Mei's fingers, she blushed a little.

Mei picked up the ring. "I too take this ring as my sign of my love and faithfulness" Mei said.

Mei held Yuzu's left hand and insert the ring to one of Yuzu's fingers, she blushed.

"It is settled may now kiss the bride!" The priest said cheerfully.

Yuzu and Mei leaned in for a kiss until the gap between them closed.

All of the girls and Mei's father was cheering for them.

They pulled away.

Yuzu smiled again and Mei smiled softly back.


Yuzu carried Mei, bridal style and slowly walked to the car.

Mei was a bit flustered.

The others was still cheering for them.

Yuzu and Mei went inside a car.

"You look beautiful in that dress..." Yuzu whispered to Mei. Mei blushed.

Yuzu and Mei waved at their friends.


They went home.

Yuzu and Mei went to their bedroom.

They undress and wore their casual outfit.

Yuzu collapsed on the bed, feeling tired.

"Today went by fast" Yuzu said. Mei just simply nodded.

"Mei...what are you doing?" Yuzu asked looking at Mei. Mei turned around to face Yuzu. "I'm writing something about today" Mei responded. Yuzu saw her old happily ever after notebook. "You still kept that book?" Yuzu asked. Mei nodded.

Then an idea went on Yuzu's mind.

"MEI!" Yuzu shouted which make Mei startled a bit. Mei turn around and saw Yuzu helding up her arms. Mei just stared at her. "Save that for later.." Mei said blushing a bit and turn around to face the desk.

Yuzu pouted.

Then Mei heard sobbing. Mei turned around and saw Yuzu covering her eyes with her arms, sobbing.

Mei was concerned. She closed the notebook and went up to Yuzu.

Mei was close to Yuzu.

Then suddenly Yuzu giggled and pulled Mei into a hug. Mei was startled.

Mei can feel Yuzu's hot breath at her sensitive ears. Mei blushed and try to pull away.

Mei looked at Yuzu, flustered. Yuzu smirked a bit and leaned in for a kiss.

They kissed.

Yuzu slips her tounge into Mei's mouth.

Mei let Yuzu explore her mouth.

They pulled away, there was strand of saliva.

Mei was blushing and Yuzu smiled warmly at Mei, blushing a little.

Yuzu hugged Mei.

Mei wanted to get up but gave up cause Yuzu was too strong

They slowly drifted to sleep.

*the end?*

(I am still working on a new story, so please wait!)


(Thank you for reading this story!)

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