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I know Dr. Sullivan isn't having these sessions go in the same order as my tapes, but I have a feeling that Emily is my next visitor and Aria will be after her. Let's see if I'm right...

"Hanna, your next visitor is here," Dr. Sullivan said as she opened the door.

Ha-ha. I was right!

"Emily, you can have a seat right there," instructed Dr. Sullivan. "Let's get started, shall we? Emily, what would you like to say or ask Hanna?"

Emily refused to make eye contact with Hanna. If she did, she probably wouldn't stop crying, so she kept her eyes focused on her lap.

"Hanna, I'm sorry I put Ali's needs over your own. You were right, my love for her blinded me from seeing how her return was affecting you. But I care about you or else I wouldn't even be here right now, talking to you. If I could go back and do things differently, I definitely would. I would've asked you why you were drinking instead of scolding you. I wouldn't have pampered Ali so much and you so little. And most importantly, I would've believed you when you told me Zack hit on you. I should've been a better friend to you. You've always been a great friend to me. You did let me stay in your room for two weeks when my mom left to be with my dad when he was stationed in Texas. And I probably wouldn't even be who I am today if it weren't for you, Hanna. You knew I had feelings for Maya before I even did. You gave me the courage to accept myself for who I am and to not care what anyone else thinks. You told me that you would still love me if I were gay, and that motivated me to come out to my parents. If you hadn't told me any of that stuff, I would probably still be in the closet and who knows what path that would've lead me down? Hanna, you mean so much to me. I'm glad that Caleb found you when he did. If he didn't, I don't know what I would've done with myself, knowing that I was partially responsible for your death. I'm so sorry, Hanna. Will you please forgive me? This guilt is eating away at me. I need to know that you're going to be okay and if we are still friends," Emily said while crying. She still hadn't looked up at Hanna.

"I'll forgive you if you look at me," Hanna said somberly.

Emily slowly lifted her head and finally looked at Hanna. And sure enough, she started to cry.

"Oh, Hanna! Why are you in a straitjacket? Did you try to hurt yourself again? Please say 'no,'" Emily's voice quivered.

"Well... not exactly. I tried stabbing Wren and Eddie to try to get out of coming to these sessions. I thought that if I acted up, then I wouldn't have to go. But I didn't think they would sedate me," answered Hanna, sounding ashamed.

Emily gave her a worried look. She didn't think Hanna was the violent type. Then again, she didn't know Hanna was suicidal either. What else didn't she know about her supposed best friend?

"Hanna, how are you doing? I mean, that's a stupid question, under the circumstances but are these sessions helping you? Did me coming here today do anything for you? I want you to get better Hanna. We, I, miss you," Emily asked, concerned.

"To be honest, yeah Em, they are. I feel like these sessions are not only helping me, but are helping you guys too. Did coming here today do anything for you?" Hanna asked, turning the question back on Emily.

"Yeah. It did actually. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest. I don't feel as guilty anymore. Now instead of being one of the reasons why you tried to end your life, I'm one of the reasons why your life will get better," Emily said, smiling. "So, I'm forgiven?"

"Yes, Em. You're forgiven. Am I forgiven?"

"Forgiven for what, Han?"

"For making you feel guilty."

"Why would you apologize for that? I deserved to feel guilty. I treated you like crap."

Hanna didn't say anything because she knew it was the truth.

"But not anymore. You're my friend, and I'm going to start treating you like it. "Hanna, once you get out of here, I want you to tell me when you're feeling down or sad. Tell me how I can help you."

"Okay. Thanks, Em. And you're not a bad friend, by the way."

Emily smiled.

"Hanna, do you have anything else you want to say or ask Emily?" asked Dr. Sullivan.


"Okay, well it looks like that's the end of our session then. Thank you, Emily, for stopping by," said Dr. Sullivan.

"Thank you, Dr. Sullivan, for doing this. For having these sessions. It was a good idea," replied Emily.

"Thanks. I'm glad to hear that these sessions are not only helping Hanna, but helping you guys too."

"Can I give Hanna a hug, Dr. Sullivan?"

"Of course you can, Emily. Go right ahead."

Emily ran over to Hanna and nearly tackled her down onto the loveseat.

"Em, I love you, but my arms are already immobile, I don't need them to be numb on top of that. Please stop hugging me so tightly," Hanna said into Emily's hair.

"Oh, sorry, Han," Emily said, immediately loosening her grip.

"It's okay," Hanna said while laughing. "Thanks for coming to see me. I know it must've been hard for you."

"What was hard, was not knowing how you were doing in here. They're treating you okay, right?" Emily asked quietly while Dr. Sullivan was discussing Hanna's progress with Wren.

Wren looked up for a moment and nodded his head in Emily's direction, his way of saying 'hi' without actually saying it. Emily smiled at him and returned her focus on Hanna.

"Yeah. I'm doing okay. Hopefully, I'll be home in a little over a week," answered Hanna.

"That's good, Han. I can't wait for you to come home."

"I can't wait for me to come home too."

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