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You wake up. Billie is next to you, sleeping. You stroke her light, delicate thin hair, and go on your phone. Its 9:00am. Suddenly, someone nocks on your door. You go up to answer it and you see a girl with big green eyes and strawberry blonde hair. "Um, who are YOU?" She says bitterly. You give her a bitter look back and say, "Billie's partner. And who are you?" You say nastily. Billie is wide awake now, and she heard the whole thing. "Hey now, Diana.. Don't be rude to my bestie." She says smirking and coming to the door. "Sleep, Jade." She says stroking your hair, softly. Diana gives me a 'watch out' look as I take Billie's spot of the bed. "Okay Di, come in" Billie says to Diana. Diana sits on your side of the bed, with Billie. "J, this is Diana. My friend from 6th grade!" She says. "Diana, this is__" "I don't care, Billie. Just don't let her take you away from me. You burst out laughing, and so does Billie. Billie puts her arm around
Your shoulders. "we're chill.." She shrugs. "Alright.." Diana says glancing at me, checking my position and outfit. Billie notices . "can y'all be friends please?" She says annoyed. "J, wanna go shopping? Maybe on a bike ride near the city , I can show you a tour?" Billie turns to you. Diana thinking of something. "Billie, that's an amazing thought but I don't have a bike with me." You say, but wanting to go. "That's chill, I can lend you one." Billie says as Diana finally speaks out. "I'm coming, right?" She says, knowing Billie can't say no to her. Its annoying. It makes me mad. Billie should say no but you don't say no to your friend from 6th grade for a friend you met a night ago. Billie sighs and then fakes a smirk. "Of course you are, no doubt!" She says in a deep, happy voice. "Mama, shall we go make pancakes?" She says to you. Diana is already thinking of a solution to get involved with this but it seems she's got nothing. "Mkay, let's go!" You say as Bil and you walk down the stairs to the kitchen.
Diana's POV
How can Billie do this to me? I don't Care, I mean all I have to do now is get rid of Jade, for good. I look down the stairs. They are puffing powder everywhere, whisking, and pouring milk, laughing. What's so bad about me? I wish I could just walk right up there, throw Jade out and take her place of whisking.
Your (jade) POV
We leave the pancakes sitting on the stove. Suddenly, Diana comes up. "Ooh~ it smells good in here!" Fiana says. Billie grins at her. "Jade did all the hard stuff. We're gonna leave it to cook now and get some fruit and syrup out. Diana gives me a look but I can't quite figure out her expression. " mk, let's just go upstairs or sumthn" Billie says to me. "I'm coming." Diana says. "Hmm, I'm sorry Diana but you have to go back to your dorm now, I'm sorry." Billie says in a 'sorry' voice. Diana storms out, grunting.

Duo with billie // Billie eilish imagineWhere stories live. Discover now