Dorm rooms

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Let's skip to after the flight happened
You get off at Hollywood airport and take another cab to your studio. Its 7:00am. Your sister facetimes you. "Are you there yet?!?" She says. "No, dude. Im arriving right now." "I'm so happy for you, Jade!" "Thanks, I miss you already, But I have to go. Kisses!" And you hang up. The cab driver stops at a tall building. You give him money, get your suitcases and bags,  and walk to the main entrance of the very large building as the cab drives away. Suddenly a lady at the counter is calling out to you. "Name?" She says. "Jade Thompson." You reply to her. She gives you a paper with your dorm number on it. 304. Cool. You walk around the building going up many stairs until you finally find 300. 302, 304! You got it! You walk in. A room with a red light. Cool. You like it. You see your roommate.
She is on the bed, on her phone. She is wearing a baggy T-shirt, no makeup, shorts and her hair in a messy ponytail. Suddenly she realises you're there, and puts her phone down, and walks up to you to shake your hand. "Yo! I'm Billie! You are my new roomie?" She says as a grin appears on her face. You go in to shake her hand and say, "Well, Billie, its nice to meet you, I'm Jade!" "Ohhh yeah! You're sick! You're that guitar master?" She says as a blush flushes on your face. "I- I wouldn't say THAT.. " you say forcing yourself to not smile too hard. "Show me something, bro!" She says, picking your guitar up and giving it to you.
Your POV:
Shoot, I don't want to mess up on front of THE Billie eilish. You know what? I've learnt one of her songs before! Its bad guy because the tune is so nice
Out of POV:
"I'm going to play bad guy, on my guitar." Billie laughs. "Alright then, shoot!" She says, grinning.
You strum your guitar once, and then go in for an acoustic version. "White shirt~ now red my bloody nose~"__
Bil claps her hands dramatically, praising you. " dude, you are so good tho!!!"__
Suddenly, a worker comes in our room and tells us to get ready for a performance in hollywood to perform all the good girls go to hell, you should see me in a crown, ocean eyes, bad guy, 8, !!!!, and ilomilo. Billie smiles at me. "Well, our first time performing together and its 12:00am!" You gasp, shocked. Billie raises an eyebrow. "I didn't get sleep!" You say. Billie laughs at you. "W-what? I didn't! I swear I was flying!" She keeps laughing. "You'll have to get used to no sleep, Jade, if you're gonna be an idol." You stand there, not knowing what to do when BILLIE FROGGING EILISH JUST SAID YOU'RE GONNA BE AN IDOL!!!
Billie raises an eyebrow again. You put on matching clothes as Billie. An oversized hoodie, oversized shorts and chunky big shoes. "Holy cow, Jade. You look good in that outfit!" Billie says to you, "DID BILLIE FROGGING EILISH JUST SAY I LOOK GOOD WJFBEI__" you say out loud on accident. Billie laughs at you. "Come on, my fans are dying to see you, bro!"
You guys walk on stage and everyone starts yelling their lungs out. You lean your guitar on a chair and Billie is talking to the crowd. "Hey y'all so I got a lil guest with me!" She says motioning at me. The crowd is quiet. "Umm, Jade Thompson? Uploads guitar lessons on YouTube? Hello?" Billie says as if she turned on a lightbulb. Everyone starts screaming so loud. "I WANT YOU GUYS TO GIVE ME ENERGYY!!!!" Billie screams as I go in with my guitar for the tune of all the good girls go to hell.
After the performance
"BILLIE AND JADE! BILLIE AND JADE!" everyone is chanting.You back to your dorms, panting. "I need to get rest." I say. "Yeah, mama, you need to sleep." Billie says putting my hair behind my ear. "Let's get dressed." She says in a sweet, soft voice.

Hey you guys! After I'm done this and after I release it FULL I'm going to make a kidnapped by Billie book and its going to be so intense and thrilling so that's why I need to finish this.

Duo with billie // Billie eilish imagineWhere stories live. Discover now