I can barely remember you.
In my memories you are merely a figure in the distance: visible but indistinguishable from who I am now.
Photographs tell so many stories that I can't recall –
an entire phase of life now like sand on the seashore.
Were you happy?
Was your outlook rosy or gray?
Did you not spend night after night crying yourself to sleep?
How many times did you hold back tears against your thunderous father?
How I wish I could scoop you up in my arms and tell you
that you'd be okay,
that you are enough,
that you are smart,
that you are talented,
that comparison is poison.
Tell me, what is innocence like?
What give you hope?
Do you look for a brighter tomorrow?
You are so lovely, child, never forget that;
nothing can negate your worth.
Never forget to look for the sunshine, no matter how dark your heart feels.
Dearest little one, embrace your differences,
and look not to others for how to act, think, feel.
Do not stop creating!
Make mistakes!
I promise it's worth it.