The Midsummer Stars and Mischief

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I climbed the ladder of Sol and I's home and watched over Asgard. The usually empty streets were filled with excited chatter and the scurrying of joyful civilians. That's when I remembered that tomorrow was the beginning of Midsumarbolt (Midsummer). A week-long festival celebrating the beginning of summer. Shops that closed at sundown were open late getting their windows decorated and helping their store neighbors get ready. The bars that were always open were even more filled with drunken laughter as people began to get ready for the week to come.
For the people of Asgard, it meant a week of laughter and fun than a huge feast at the castle on the last day. For me, it meant a week of trouble. My job was to protect, whether it was protecting shops from getting robbed or saving people from other people.
Freya honored me with this job when I was 15 and I have never let her down. My sister stands guard during the day and me at night, gliding from rooftop to rooftop watching the alleyways and busy streets. We were a legend no one knew the truth about. Many believe we are the same person, some don't believe in us at all. Which I guess is good being that our job is to stay hidden and protect. The Guardian is what we are called, most nights people know we are watching but travelers and drunks sometimes are ignorant and get themselves into trouble. But usual all is quiet so I talk to my favorite person the stars.
While my sister can make friends when I am asleep I cannot for no one is awake so I talk to the stars. They understand the pain of the night and how during the late hours of the night when all is quiet the demons of your mind come out to play. So I talk to them about my dreams or the people I observe. They know that nightmares are more common than dreams, a side effect of Freya's magic.
I traveled from rooftop to rooftop until I was at the top of the highest shop overlooking the square, the busiest place at the moment. I lied down and stared up at the stars.
"Goodnight Stars, I had another strange dream last night. This one was different it felt different, it wasn't dark it was more of a panic....."
A flash of Green explored in my eyes as screaming began to erupt from Square.
"Loki" I muttered under my breath, my heart pumping fast.
I had never experienced Loki making mischief before usually, he kept away. I searched the rooftops knowing he would most likely be up here, sure enough on the other side of the square was a figure with pointy horns and a grin on his face. I got up and made my way to him. I searched the square as I went trying to see the damage but green smoke was everywhere.
Finally, I made it to the other side, Loki was facing the crowd looking towards the fountain, I ducked under a window seal and did the same only to see the once lushes blue water of the fountain now green. I sighed in relief hoping that was all he had done. I watched him from my window trying to create a plan. He was just standing there almost like he was planning what to do next. I started to swing to the back of the shop he was on. Praying to Freya that he wouldn't move and he didn't so I slowly got up and attacked him from behind covering his mouth with my hand and pulling him out of the streets view. His weight was no match for me, for we fell to the ground hard. We landed side by side breathing heavily before I could get up he moved on top of me and pinned me to the ground.
"Ah, the Guardian," Loki said with a grin, "just who I wanted to see."

*Hi Guys, Please vote and comment if you liked it. What do you think will happen next?? Remember to share too! -Katie. 🍒

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