part 2

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I know, it isn't fair to you because you don't have a best cousin as amazing, nice, talented and caring as mine. All I have to say about that: IN YOUR FACE SUCCAS!

I guess that isn't the politest thing to say either, but I really care about Noe. She is always so nice, and understanding, and when I get mad or I am in a bad mood, she doesn't freak out and yell. She just leaves me alone until I get some sense, which beleive me, is the best thing to do. She always knows what to do: lost in the woods= follow the dog, she knows his way around!


Thank You Chloe for that AMA-ZING speech of yours!! Ha ha viewers, I'm the BCE!! (best cousin 'EVA!!)

Anyway, this part 2 of my story is going to be about my AWESOME winter break in 2012... even though now it is 2013... but yea! Here are our contents.

CHAPTER ONE.............. ICE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!



CHAPTER FOUR................DO I SMELL..............BEACH!!!!????!! (part 2)


CHAPTER SIX...................13 GAMES OF CHANCE

CHAPTER SEVEN..............HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!

Chapter One...................ICE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izzy and I passed the ball really hard at eachother on the front patio, each of us galling down at one point. I kicked the soccer ball so hard that it flew into our dead neighbor Helena's yard. (Our prayers are for her.)

Izzy ran the Stork Run (her legs are so long she runs like a stork!!) to teh ball and sat on the ball, acting like a statue. She looked at the crowded street of cars.

Suddenly, she sprung awake in surprise! She gasped with absolute excitment and pointed at the street. A familiar looking car was driving down the street with two kids, one looking about eleven, the other one twelve, jumping up and down.

After less than two seconds, I sprang up and started screamign!


Chloe jumped out of the car wearing a yellow kitten jacket and brown knee high shorts. We both sprinted to each other and hugged, Maddie and Izzy doing the same.

Then I ran over to Maddie and gave her a big fat hug, too.

Chloe handed me a yellow folded over paper. I took it and unfolded it, realising it was a little charm! It had hearts on it and I squealed with joy at the sight.

We hugged again and it reminded me of the presents I had for her! We all ran inside and sat on the couch. I walked over to the present-less christmas tree with just four presents under neath, two presents for Maddeia dn Chloe.

Chloe opened the very hard wrapped present I wrapped,and i dont exactly know HOW to wrap presents so the wrapping was douv\ble wrappedm and wrinkled, full of tape.

chloe unwrapped he present and unzipped the little case, and isndie the case was a navy blue D.S! Chloe screamed really loud and i had to cover her mouth.

HINT: Never cover Chloe's mouth, she's guranteed to LICK YOU!!

I sprung my hand back laughing and wiped my hand on my shorts.

"Got- got me a D.S! Holy Nutcracker!" Chloe sputtered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY/CHRISTMAS!! Open your next one!" Izzy and I laughed, Chloe opening the next one from Izzy. it was a little eifel tower charm you could put on your necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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