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jaemin's life revolves around his soulmate, photography, academics, and his family

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jaemin's life revolves around his soulmate, photography, academics, and his family. he's never actually met his soulmate, though.

how soulmates worked in this world was simple. when you're born, the first words that your soulmate will ever say to you is displayed across your inner forearm. jaemin always thought his quote was so lame, but what could you expect from first encounters?

the male has always wondered or worried about who they could be. jaemin leaned more towards boys, but if his soulmate was in fact a girl he'd have no trouble with that.

there wasn't an actual point on having a preference as you have no say on who you end up with. even if you don't exactly like your soulmate at the first encounter, falling in love with them is inevitable.

no matter how hard you try, you always end up with them in the end. unless you break the bond of course.

currently, jaemin was sorting through his locker attempting to find his lunch money. taking the dollar fifty he found in the front pouch of his backpack, he looked over at his friend and raised his hand which held the money, gesturing they could go on their way to the cafeteria.

"so guess what i, Zhong Chenle, found out this morning from my lovely boyfriend," chenle started as he hung his arm around jaemin's shoulders. they walked into the cafeteria filled with students.

"what have you, Zhong Chenle, found out this morning?" jaemin remarked as the two stood at the end of the lunch line, which really wasn't that long.

"okay, you see that teacher over there standing near the table we sit at? the hot one with the blonde undercut and glasses?" he gestured over to the front of the room where some of the teachers in the school stood, talking to each other while monitoring the students.

"yea. what about him?"

"that is apparently our new drama teacher this semester, i heard his name's lee jeno." chenle revealed. the older male was shocked, it wasn't every day a guy who looked like that came to teach at a school like this.

not that there was anything bad with the school he went to, but the people who went there are kind of toxic. also, the budget sucks ass but what can you do.

"damn. good thing we got drama next block," jaemin said with a smile, moving forward as the line decreased. he chose to grab a tray with a salad and a bottle of dr. pepper from the cooler. "for real," his friend replied while he looked for a meal to purchase.

chenle decided on the french fries and the same drink as his friend. after the two paid for their things which cost about two dollars each, they made their way to the usual table them and the rest of their friends would sit at.

"'sUp BiTcHeS."

chenle received a few 'warning glares' from a couple of their professors, which made jaemin attempt to stifle his laughter. his friend's struggles always brought him joy.

"you're on crack," rachel commented as she scooched over so jaemin could take a seat between herself and donghyuck, who had saved that spot for him previously while they waited in line.

"please, the teacher's here are complete cowards," chenle stated, taking a bite out of one of his french fries which were probably the best tasting food their school could make. donghyuck only rolled his eyes, taking another sip from his chocolate milk carton.

"i wouldn't bet on that, but okay," jaemin said with a chuckle, digging into his garden salad. rachel leaned over, picking out the olives from her friend's dish to eat them herself, knowing he hated the vegetable.

"anyways, who wants my mom's famous chocolate chip cookies? take 'em now before i change my mind, peasants," donghyuck said as he opened a ziplock bag containing three cookies.

"i don't understand, there's enough for all of us," rachel had a confused look on her face, trying to understand the logic of lee donghyuck. said boy had only rolled his eyes in return.

"you think i'm not aware? the whole fucking point is to be unfair so you guys will fight over them," he said, shaking the bag a little before he continued, "c'mon guys, and lady, my mom didn't bake these last night for y'all just to have 'em go to waste."

there was a few moments of silence. trying decide on who was worthy of donghyuck's mother's cookies amongst themselves.

"fuck this. a bitch is gonna have to take matters into her own hands, and it seems like that bitch is me," chenle blurted out as he snatched the bag of baked deliciousness.

a little invested into this whole thing, both jaemin and rachel stood up from their seats to grab the bag for themselves. "YOU WHORE WHO SAID YOU COULD HAVE THOSE," jaemin shouted, flailing his hands around to at least attempt to grab them from her. donghyuck only watched in amusement, proud of his work.

"mr. na, please be quiet and sit down," he heard. only that's not what caused jaemin to completely freeze in his place. it was the fact that he felt this tingling feeling over the area where his soulmate tattoo was placed.

it was in that moment time froze for jaemin. even despite all the shame he should've felt for being told off by a teacher, he felt nothing. all that was on his mind before, disappeared, resulting in him to only say one thing.

"yes sir."

it seemed that after he spoke, the teacher had felt the same thing. that was the one who chenle told him about. speaking of, chenle and his other friends bursted out in laughter, finding it funny how he was the only one who got in trouble.

jaemin wanted to throw up.

"i don't feel good i'm gonna text my mom to pick me up bye-" jaemin rushed out as he got up and ran to the bathroom, proceeding to lock himself inside a stall where no one could bother him as he messaged his mother, telling her to drive him home early.

meanwhile, jeno hadn't moved from his spot since he felt the tingling feeling spread across his wrist. it feels like a bunch of tiny pins and needles are stabbing where your tattoo is located.

chenle, rachel, and donghyuck sat there confused, wondering why their friend had left so suddenly. wondering if they had done something wrong. they had all mutually agreed to visit him after school to see what's up.

"you okay there, jeno?" the male heard come from one of his coworkers, jungwoo. he was the english teacher. jeno snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked over at his friend.

"huh? why wouldn't i be?" he asked, trying to play it off cool. jungwoo wasn't buying it though, he knew that there was something up with what had just happened. he decided not to push further, so he went back to monitoring the cafeteria.

jeno tried to do the same, but he couldn't get his mind off of the boy he had known to be na jaemin, apparently one of the hardest working and most well known students at the school. this'll be fucking FANTASTIC.

and that's that for the prologue !
[ not proofread sorry not sorry ]

this was the prologue i had planned,,
i think i published it?? i dont remember
if im being honest-- anyw have a good
night/day/afternoon/morning ! 💕

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