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Chapter one:

I've Just Seen A Face

Richie was never known to be quiet, you could say it was part of his overall "charm". Though it was frequently annoying to The Losers Club, consisting of Bill, Stan, Beverly, Eddie, Mike, Ben, and Richie, they had grown to tolerate the crude remarks that came out of his mouth. They discovered, though, that there was one place the trashmouth remained quiet.

The Derry Town Cafe was a quiet little store that the teenager frequented after school most days. They enjoyed the tiny town square and the sweet adults that passed through the area. It became more of a frequent stop when the group picked up on Richie's quietness due to the small blonde girl that preforms in the area.

The girl was rather short and small, about the size of Eddie but a bit shorter. She had curly blonde hair and bright eyes. She preformed near the outside of the door of the cafe, the owner being nice enough to open the door for those inside to hear her singing. She sang a lot of The Beatles and a lot of songs the gang couldn't say they were familiar with. Her voice was lovely, and Richie seemed to be captivated by every word tumbling out of her mouth. He watched her play the guitar softly, consumed by both her music and her.

"Why don't you talk to her, Richie?" Beverly asked, softly as to not alert the rest of the group. Richie moved his hand through his unruly curls and shook his head.
"Nah, I got all the girls I need, Marsh. But, if you're interested, I could put in a good word when we leave." He threw Beverly a wink, covering his own fear with a joke. He had become rather good at that. Richie's ears distantly picked up her playing 'With a Little Help From my Friends' by The Beatles and couldn't help the slightest smile that eased across his face. If there was one song that described his friend group, it was that one.
"Now, Richard, we both know I am happy with Ben and we also know that there is no girls." Beverly knew he had a history with a good many girls, actually, but none recently had tickled his fancy. As Richie got older, he definitely got more attractive. His hair, though unruly, covered his eyes ever slightly. He gained a sharp jaw and pointed nose, which freckles dotted across lightly. He lost his thick glasses (though he will wear them on occasion) and his height grew tremendously. Now, standing a little over 6 foot, he stood as the tallest in the group.

Richie just rolled his eyes and went back to observing the girl. From the place he sat, he could only see half of her, which wasn't facing him at all. Yellow looks good on her, he thought, as he observed the bits of the outfit he could see. Suddenly, she stood, showing her short stature, and headed into the shop. She sat her guitar and a box on the table, pulling out change that she must have collected from performing today. This was the first time Richie had seen her inside the shop.

After a couple of minutes, Richie saw her shoulders slump in disappointment. She must not have enough money on her, Richie thought as he stood from his seat. He approached her table.
"So, hot stuff, can I treat you for something to eat?" the blue eyes met Richie dark eyes. Richie felt his breathe get tangled in his throat.
"Oh, the confidence you exude. But I am indeed okay, Princess." She said, winking at him. For one tiny second, he didn't have a reply, unsure of how to respond.
"It is the least I can do for listening to your music everyday with no payment." Richie offered, hoping she'd take him up on his offer.
"Well, if you do insist." She said with a small smile playing at her lips, "My name is Lennon." the dainty girl offered her hand towards the boy.
"Richard Tozier." He shook her small hand lightly, observing the small circular burn marks littering her palm and wrist.

"So, Princess Tozier, you've been listening to me preform for a while now. Any particular songs you like?" Lennon smiled at him with a slight bit of pride behind her words as they sat at another table with a small plate of chocolate cookies and a small shake.
"Any song by The Beatles." Richie didn't know why his crude humor seemed to evaporate currently. He didn't really expect her to act the way she did.
"Well, I've got to live up to this name somehow." the girls joke made Richie chuckle. "I actually am not very fond of this name. It seems to be the only thing people know me for." She muttered. Richie wanted to tell her that was a lie, but couldn't find it in him to open his mouth.
"Well, good lookin', I can assure you that isn't what caught my attention." He threw a wink at the girl, making her roll her eyes, "So, do you go to Derry High?"
"Of course, but I'm not really well noticed there." Lennon's voice was soft, but still had a slight edge to it.

It was true, Lennon had remained hidden from the people within the building after a couple run-ins with Bowers that didn't end well for her. Lennon looked at the clock on the wall, noticing it was almost 6.
"Well, Princess, as much fun as this was, I have to bid adieu." Lennon jokingly tipped an imaginary hat at the boy and gathered her things.
"Wait, would you like to have lunch with me and my friends tomorrow at school?" Lennon grinned at the boy.
"I'll think about it. Thank you for the food." She said, waving as she rushed out the door.

"I see you took my advice." Beverly said, coming up behind Richie and placing an arm around his shoulder as the watched the door slam shut behind Lennon.
"It was all for you, Marsh. I was letting her know you were completely available, though she seemed pretty attracted to all of this." Beverly hit him upside the head. "Ow, alright, asshole. Her name is Lennon and she might eat lunch with us tomorrow. I want to make a joke but this constant abuse has left me in fear." Richie said as Beverly rolled her eye, chuckling at him.

Kids in the Dark--Richie Tozier AUWhere stories live. Discover now